I am finding I struggle to get more than 4 or 5 hours now.
I used to sleep for about 10 hours a day, but not anymore.
I am finding I struggle to get more than 4 or 5 hours now.
I used to sleep for about 10 hours a day, but not anymore.
I slept 9 hours a day,it’s refreshing.But yesterday I couldn’t sleep,I slept at 3:30am and woke up 12pm.
When I had psychosis I would go a week at a time without sleep. The hallucinations were so bad my mind couldn’t shut down to sleep.
I hate having to take my medication because it makes me sleep 12 hours.
I sleep 12 hours then usually I stay up for as long as I can 18-24 hours before I take my medication again.
One day I wake up at 8 am the next day I wake up at 8 pm.
If I don’t sleep 12 hours it’s hard to fight the sedation. I have to drink pots of coffee to stay awake or I’m miserable.
I sleep regularly about 5-7hours sometimes as little as four, when I put my head down I dose off immediately so need less sleep because the sleep I do get is intense. I wake up before my alarm clock goes off.
When i was hearing voices I had difficulties with sleep.
I took immovane every single night as well as nozinan and lergigan and was drewling on them the next day.
Immovane is good though and I still use that when needed.
I took half a immovane last night and slept from about 11 pm to 6 am.
Some night I sleep 7.30 pm to 6 am.
Most nights that is what I aim for without sleeping tablets.
I am so happy my sleeping got better because I think I was addicted to immovane for a while.
I needed it.
It’s been really hot the last couple of nights and I have no air conditioning and the fan didn’t help much it was too hot think we had over 40c.
Hope you get more sleep again.
Sucks not being able to sleep well or long enough.
I don’t like that. That’s not a good sign imo.
Sleeping at night and getting up in the morning are problems for me. I got up at 8am so I could attend a religious class after being up until 2 or 3am. I went to the class, but was tired and yawning. I need to program myself to get up at 6am so I can not be late to my 8:30am bankruptcy hearing on February 18th.
You need to be careful of that. That could be a sign of relapse.
I have been getting ruffly 3 or 4 hours of sleep, but I also fortunately get 2 nap in day time that last about 1 or 2 hours each.
I hope not!
I have been up again. I can’t physically sleep as my dreams wake me up and I have tried so many times now
I usually get around 9 hours sleep, and this is all i need. I can’t nap during the day, so whatever sleep i get at night better be enough.
I’ve always had horrible sleep, even as a kid. Sleep 1-3 hours, wake up for 2, sleep another 1-2, up again. I take sleeping med at 8pm, I get to sleep about 5am, then finally up for the day at noon. But with the breaks, it’s hard. Sometimes I can take my pain meds and 4am dose of xanax at 2am and get to sleep around 3 am. Not always. But I see my pdoc on the 9th, we’re gonna fight insurance to pay for higher dose of belsomra I’m on 10mg now, I took 20mg 1 night and it was a little better, she said 30mg is max but sometimes can go higher. She’s trying to get me to sleep earlier and for straight thru no interruptions. We’ll fight with insurance though. Cause I think I might heal physically and pain wise if sleep were better.
I sleep too much.
About 12 hours on the average.
Too much Seroquel, but I don’t want to mess with the dosage. I take Fanapt too.
My voices are almost gone.
I suppose I’d rather sleep a lot and have a minimum of symptoms then any other option.
Once I’m awake I’m fine.
I sleep well these days but used to sleep too long. I went from sleeping 10 hours or more to 8 hours or less by adding some decent exercise. I think that is pretty normal so most days I get 7-8 hours. Some days if there’s little happening and I’m still a bit tired I’ll have a 30 minute nap but not everyday.
I feel guilty sleeping too much. I would rather the time awake for sure and I think 10 hours is too much compared to most.
I naturally sleep about 11 hours. I have overactive bladder, so I tend to wake up several times a night to pee.
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