Do you like birds?

lately it relaxes me to listen to birds in the morning, the tree outside seems to be their meeting place, i look up on google what birds species it is, the mourning dove sounds pretty cool, i thought it was an owl at first until i researched.
also one bird sounds kinda like a car when u press the lock button on the remote.


I love watching birds
It’s a hobby of mine


I love birds. Enjoying seeing them slowly return for the season. Well, except for the magpies and the damn cobra chickens.


Yes i do. I have bird song playing off an Alexa App all night usually. It stops me focusing so much on the voices.

Mainly Seagulls screaming here tho - cos i live bang on by the sea, but you get used to that.


Mocking birds are great.


I love Canada Geese. We have lots of them here in California and nesting season is starting. soon the lil fuzzie goslings will be following their mom’s around

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I love birds. Roasted, deep fried, pan fried, barbeque, anyway I love them.

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I like “3 little birds”. :duck::duck::duck:


Boy, have I got a deal for you.

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I sometimes think California has more Canada geese than Canada does. Maybe time for rebranding to California geese. They can become our new state bird. :smile:

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No argument from me, except they all act like they’re from Florida.


Birds are great. I love them all.



I just love swallows,

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I love birds until I’m jealous because I can’t fly.

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No. I used to like birds. Then I started living here where my mom has a cockatiel that screams and chirps at an almost impossible noise level for such a small animal. For hours sometimes.

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I love birding. Last year I was watching a hawk devouring a kill on a dead tree limb at the state park with my spotting scope.

Don’t think I would ever want a bird as a pet though. My aunt’s cockatiel was a mean little jerk.


coolest birb ever

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I have a bird bath in the garden so if the birds need a drink