What is your body odor like?

Came across an interesting article. My body odor smells kinda like fruit, it smells good to me. Looked it up and apparently it is because of the schizophrenia.

“Schizophrenia doesn’t immediately come to mind as a condition associated with a scent, because it is considered a mental disorder (albeit one rooted in the physiology and chemistry of the brain). However, schizophrenia is also associated with a different metabolism, that causes people with it to have a slightly different scent. Rats, trained with a reward system, were able to single out sweat from schizophrenic patients from sweat from non-schizophrenic people. Those with schizophrenia had a component called trans-3-methyl-2 hexenoic acid. The scent has been described as very sweet, like fruit that has over-ripened.”


That’s why they call us “fruit Cakes”


Speak for yourself haha


Just thought that would be funny. lol. I think it’s the meds. But I like how you wrote this post.


It depends on how often I have been taking a shower. When I take a shower every day I smell pretty good. I really cake on the deodorant. I don’t shower as often on the weekends, though, but I do put on lots of deodorant.

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I don’t have a Body Odor.
That’s a good thing :slight_smile:

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“What is your body odor like?”

a fresh river near a forest of myrrh.


I don’t have any scent except ‘versace’ because I love that smell.
My dad was the same too, he sweated a lot, but never smelled at all.

My initial reaction to this post


TMI incoming…

If I don’t shower for a couple of days I get a vinegar smell in the crotch region. It is somewhat new and I don’t know if it is something to consult a doctor about. However I looked on the internet and read that it was normal. I used to have no smell.


I smoked for fifty years. A couple years ago I stopped smoking. Smelling things in the world is a different experience since I stopped smoking.

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“What is your body odor like?”

pure cinnamon near a campfire

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Yep… Tmi for sure …

Diabetics have fruity breath due to the sugar in their blah blah blahs not breaking down.

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Buttholes…Jesus Christ…my shnaz is beak status and assholes are all I smell…

I use Pert shampoo… So… Minty

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I’m crying and my belly hurts from laughing so hard.

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Certain meds that are metabolized in the kidneys make urine smell different. And even if you wipe or shake a million times you never get it all off…

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I smell like trouble…

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sniffs under arms

Like I gotta take a shower.

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