I get a weird smell when I was hearing voices 2 nights ago. And my body was producing more body odor in general.
I get more sensitive to smell
I have smell hallucinations. Usually marijuana, which I hate the smell of.
Interesting, because they say people going into stroke experience strange odd smells and tastes before they go down.
Animals seem to like me more than people… Maybe I smell different than others…
I’ve had smell hallucinations before. It was the most vile smell. Mad me feel ill.
Yup. When I’m gone into craziness, I smell differently.
Is that based on your own personal account or those of others? For me, I can smell that I smell different.
I had the marijuana smell but the piss smell was the worst.
Can you please respond to my reply @Jayster ?
It was my sweat that smelled differently. I don’t say it was necessarily worse than normal, just noticeably different.
I smell different when I’m in an episode, but I’m pretty sure it’s because I stop showering.
Yes I had it for months, it was completely vile. Smell and taste
My sweat smells different when in episode, smells more chemical like.
Not smells, but ive had a specific taste that i think was a hallucination. It was a really overwhelming flavor of artificial raspberry that was in the back of my throat and wouldnt go away regardless of what i ate or drank. It was also getting worse as the voices got worse.
I haven’t given it much thought although I do recall when I exercised a few times while on Invega Sustenna I felt my sweat would emanate a strange odor. It didn’t smell very pleasant or like ordinary sweat (which probably isn’t very pleasant anyhow). It just smelled different is what I’m trying to say.
The smell is not a hallucination. It is a real thing.
When you’re psychotic you are less likely to shower or bath. You could get some smell from that.
Normally when im psychotic - i stink of booze. The flat looks like a winos paradise.
I always manage to bath tho.
When I’m psychotic, food doesn’t taste right. Even things I really like taste bad. I end up eating nothing for the duration.