What is wrong with my brother?

He drinks way too much but can’t see it’s a problem. I hate being around him in this state. I’m sorry, drink is fine, but in moderation.

He gets everything served to him in a plate. Basically he is spoiled. But he’s 32. Mum buys him clothes, makes him his food, takes it down the road to him and on the occasation she asks him to get the food from here, he says he’s busy so evetually mum takes the food to him. Right now mum just had an op and he’s out watching football and drinking and my uncle has offered to bring her home. But I’m not gonna bother anyone. I’ll go there and book a taxi for us. He just feels toxic to be around but maybe thats my mental illness kicking in. I lived in the house he’s living in now. He asked me through mum if he can stay there with his girlfriend temporarily for three months until he sorts out a place. Fast forward 3 years, he’s still there but without his girlfriend. I don’t want to move back now. I just want to move out.


Too many times I reached for self blame but that will only go so far


You’re right. He is toxic. The sooner I move the better. As far away as I can.

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You don’t do me a favor if you let me abuse you.

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I don’t think he’s abusive towards me, but he always gets what he wants always. I just give in cos I don’t want the drama or the stress. Now that I stay at mums I see way less of him anyway.

Okay. He’s not abusive toward you. Just manipulative. I agree there is a difference.

Maybe he manipulates you by the treat of abuse?

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Manipulative maybe! I don’t wanna have to deal with him once I am gone…My partner says he’s jealous of me. At first I thought how can this be? I have a mental illness. But now I can kinda see why. Any relationship he gets into is toxic because of him… he’s basically misrable because his life has not gone according to plan. He wanted to be married by 30.

If you are able to cope and figure how to live with family. You can’t live 2 years having these feelings build up making you feel bad daily.

Just minimize contact and treat them like roommates is what I would do. There life is theres. 2 years is a long time to struggle with their problems intersecting yours.

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To be honest, I didn’t speak to him for 10 years while living in the same house. We’re at least on talking terms now. Now he lives down the road I see much less of him. Because when he lived here I saw him everyday when I came to visit mum. I guess I’d rather live here than there, but the point is, he is always gets his way.

I guess its hard to ignore when your sibling gets special treatment. I assume your SZ is known to the family?

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I think he gets special treatment, because if he doesn’t he throws tantrums and we’re all scared of those. My family don’t believe I have anything other than a mood disorder or possibly sza.

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Yeah - tough -
i am so glad to have my own place
as you will have your own place too.

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