Bro in hospital

He was trying to throw up for hours and hours. So my mum told me to call and ambulance. I went down the road where he is. And spoke to the paramedics. Said I don’t wanna get too involved because every time I have tried to talk to him about drink problems he’s called me mental piece of crap. So they talked to him and have taken him to hospital. They asked me if he had mental health issues but I said he never wants to get checked. What can we do. He hadn’t eating but he vomited out some blood. I hope he wakes up about his drinking.


Drinking like that must come from mental health issues, I hope he gets the help he deserves.
Stay strong and take care of yourself while he goes through this


That’s sad, @Ish . But it’s pretty shitty how he calls you things like that and tries to flip the tables. He needs to be a man and get help for his problems. Hopefully this will wake him up. Drinking is serious stuff.

Take care.


Was he dry heaving ? Sometimes that can cause you to vomit blood.


He didn’t stay there long probably trying to escape from getting further checks as usual. If you don’t know whats wrong with you then your health is good probably


He hadn’t eaten so he wasn’t vomiting anything but blood.


Man. That’s rough. I completely understand why you don’t want to be too involved. Hopefully somehow he gets the help he needs

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Wow that’s rough
I hope he wakes up and gets the help he needs.

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