Could my brother have a personality issue or is this alcohol

Some of you read my previous thread about him trying to throw things at me and hit me. He constantly asks when I plan to marry is constantly on dating apps and it never works out. Mostly cos he behaves like this. He told me I’m a mental piece of ■■■■ and how he was there for me when I was in hospital visiting me eveyday. Sometimes I smell jealousy on him although I don’t understand why. He constantly asks when I’m getting married… he always wanted to get married before 30 but it hasn’t worked out.

Could be, he would need to want to be evaluated though, theres some alcoholics I know and knew whom I suspect have something going on with them but I ain’t no doctor. Sorry you are going through this.

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They asked me if he’s ever tortured animals when he was younger. He hasn’t. But thinking about that he does lack a bit of empathy. It’s not fully there. He does things to help you three years ago and now he keeps telling us how he saved the house and we should be great full. I should be great full he came to see me in hospital yet calls me a mental ■■■■. He does not react to arguments normally but throws tantrums and throws things.

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Yeah i’ve gone through similar situations too. It stresses me out to the point I don’t want anything to do with them.

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