I play the computer and walk basically. I don’t do anything else.
Internet, spotify, eat, bathroom, sleep, drink monsters, smoke, and meds. Literally. Every day.
Watch TV, play video games, walk, surf the web, listen to music and read.
internet, music, and sleep, while drinking drinks all day and using nicotine
Past few months?
Support grp. Sometimes.
Meet my bf sometimes
wake up. maybe brush teeth. eat. coffee. check social medias. no messages. play ps5. go online on tablet. eat lunch. more coffee. ps5. tablet. maybe listen to a few songs. walk to post office. no mail, maybe shop for food. eat dinner. coffee. ps5. tablet. bath. take meds. maybe brysh teeth. sleep.
Wake up
Yes I poop in my sleep
Drink. Shower.Brush what’s left of my teeth. Eat. Internet. Watch some TV.Sometimes listen to a bit of music.
ur an insurance agent?
Yep. Commercial insurance.
Taking care of five kids and their education. All of them do online school so they are around 24/7 and need support.
Running household business including all errands, shopping, bill payments, driving kids to activities, cooking, cleaning, etc
Volunteering at a homeless shelter twice a week
Working on my side business
For fun I play video games and watch tv
Well, on weekdays if I’m not working or running errands or going to my many doctors appointments I lay on the couch and surf the web. I fix three meals a day. Maybe straighten the apartment and empty trash. On weekends I get up early and get breakfast at Wendy’s or McDonalds and drive to the park and hopefully take a walk around the lake. Then take a drive around town. Entertainment is going to my sisters once a week for dinner or going to one of two parks near my house or driving through a fast food restaurant for a soda.
00:00 fall asleep
01:30 wake up
01:45 fall asleep again
03:00 wake up
03:30 change room and fall asleep again
05:00 wake up
06:00 fall asleep again if I manage.
07:30 wake up and spend 30 minutes to 1 hour and a half fake sleeping, basically just waiting for time to pass churning in bed or almost asleep
09:00 force myself to stand up for breakfast because protein synthesis.
10:00 go back to bed and vegetate one more hour
11:00 go for a 2h walk while I train some kind of mental task, could be listening to an audiobook for mental focus, could be some form of realization or empathy training, could be training a synesthesia or focusing on clearing the mind even further than the default.
13:00 lunch because protein synthesis.
14:00 go back to bed and pick up the phone or the PC to either listen to music, watch YouTube, come here or go to Quora.
16:00 weight training.
17:00 third meal, let’s call it lunch B because protein synthesis
18:00 talk with my mom for a couple hours or staying on our phones in close proximity to remember what human interaction feels like while I scroll on the phone and watch YouTube, Quora or over here.
20:00 go upstairs maybe read for an hour or Watch a TV series if there’s something I want to watch.
21:00 dinner because protein synthesis
22:00 go to bed and start to decompress, usually write something like this or listening to a book, then going to bed.
15 characters
End of day vehicle addition…
- Vehicle is under girlfriend’s name but client wants it under his company. She needs to sell it to him because he has no insurable interest under law. You can’t insure someone else’s property.
- I pull her record and she has an impaired a year and a half ago (just got off suspension) and the was nailed for driving without insurance two and a half years ago. No major market will take her. We have to go with an insurance pool that charges a fortune. I suspect she knows this and that is why she was trying to fly under the radar on his policy.
I love arguing with people about dumb things on the phone half an hour after my shift is over.
Getting rejected for a job today.
GS-0675-4; By law, Indian Preference candidates are entitled to consideration for Federal employment before other applicants. There were sufficient Indian Preference candidates for this vacancy; therefore, your application was not considered.
Sleep, sleep and more sleep.
My days vary but my week consists of
Day treatment maybe 3-4 days a week
Mow my dads office every week and a half
Sunday clean my dads office
Saturdays yard work with my dad
Wednesday babysit nieces
Monday see my therapist
That’s kinda my schedule
What I do during each day varies but consists of regular things. I drink coffee watch YouTube, movies, hang out with friends sometimes, do errands, research online, eat( sometimes carry out), pick up a little around the house, wash clothes, watch my nieces for a bit, ect. I’m about to start going on walks with my mom everyday during her lunch break. I’m looking forward to the walks. I kinda do a lot now that I’ve written it down. It’s ok I guess.
Gotta love how the solution to racism is more racism.