How do ya'll spend your time all day every day?

what do ya’ll do all day every day?

i recall a poll that said most of ya’ll dont work, and many of those of us that do are only part time. i only work sixteen hours a week, so i have plenty of free time.

i walk a lot. like five miles a day. in shopping areas, neightborhoods, library etc. i surf the internet like eight hours a day, at least. i watch a little tv, usually variety news shows, and sometimes comedies. i spend a lot of time eating produce and healthy stuff, and planning on how to approach eating. a little cooking. going to restaurants a little. buying little snacks. listening to music.

i keep busy, but maybe i’ll learn a few ways to change up my routine from all ya’ll.


Currently I mainly do the following activities:
walk outside, do aerobic exercise on exercise machines I have at home, and study Chinese.
On a good day I also manage to do some hygiene.
That’s it.

Wow, you spend your time better than most, well, me at least. I work 10-15 hours per week and the majority of my time is spent in bed, sleeping. I sleep, nap, snooze maybe 15 hours a day. If I’m motivated, I’ll walk an hour or about 3 miles. I’m looking to change up my diet, limit sugars and fats.
Your routine looks good, keep it up!

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Play video games with friends, video chat with friends, browse this forum, vaping, listening to Spotify, cooking sometimes, etc

Try coffee, it stopped my napping, used to sleep 15h, now 8-9h.

I also watch Netflix sometimes when my favorite movies and favorite shows are available.

I have to watch over my grandmother 24/7, I also try to cheer my mother and help people online the best I can.

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Games, eat, sleep, youtube, some forums mostly


I wish I got in as much exercise as you do. I am on the laptop or consuming media most days. Doctor is tweaking my medicine to help fight weight gain and avolition, and I plan on working or taking a class next year.

I just watch TV. :fish::fish::fish:

I work full-time during the week. Also help with household chores, cooking, etc. I try to walk at least an hour and a half a day. My hobbies are amateur broadcasting and photography.

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I do online class, volunteer here, help Starlet with school and other parenting responsibilities, work out a few times a week, and cook. I cook seriously so much all the time every day. I also play DnD with the family.


Im back to property maintenance part time. Sprayed a bunch of roofs for moss treatment today.

You know I’m back to working when the McDonald’s bags are piling up in the front seat :sweat_smile:
I gotta start making sandwiches I’m getting too old to eat McDonald’s all the time


Programming, teaching, research, read, cook, clean and go for walks, and sleep. I have a schedule, I try to keep busy.


What type? Android or windows apps?


I spend a lot of time, just going to the store. I try to walk 1-2 hours a day. I don’t watch a lot of tv. Mostly listen to the radio and look at forum or other things on my phone.


Both. I’m trying to get involved with a Legal hackers team. I think it can be rewarding.


Long periods of solitude and nothingness. Then making lists and rewriting lists, schedules, to try to muster courage to start some things. Then try chipping away at pieces of things. The rest is finding my role in family life. Some days are better than others.

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Yeah thats why I gotta stop lol