If I sleep early, I wake up around 7-8 am.
I make coffee and smoke my vape and check Instagram messages. I reply to emails and work for a few hours. If I have to drop off shipping I do. I smoke more and have another coffee. I eat something. I spend my day at my desk. I clean. I go to the gym, come home shower, spend more time at my desk. Chat away.
I get up at noon. Check my news feeds and Immediately vape. Make coffee. Take my supplements. Sit on the couch. Check the rest of my news feeds.
Put on the tv. Browse the forum .
Get up to vape every 20 minutes.
Feed stray cats every so often.
Listen to spotify every so often.
And that’s my meaningless existence in a nutshell.
get up about 10am. stretch my legs for about an hour, then go for a short 20 minute jog. then I eat breakfast. after breakfast i’ll check my garden, but im pretty much done gardening for the season. then a lifting session for a couple hours. then lunch and get online. take a shower and groom, clean the house a little. get online. read or play guitar, eat dinner. sometimes watch a movie or sometimes read some more. bed at midnight. that’s my day.
I wake up eat my med take breakfast give my daughter breakfast take care of my daughter the rest of the day or be on my phone that’s my meaning less life also
I wake up. Watch TV all day. Go to bed.
wake up early in the morning around 7am, eat 1/2 cup cottage cheese, take Lion’s Mane and mugwort, take a shower, blow dry hair and dress, go for a hike 1 hour, by a small mocha frappe, go home, Go on my forum, make phone calls to social security, text family, make lunch, go online, make dinner a cherry smoothie, salad with sausage and beets, prepare to go to bed, take meds.
I took today off and did nothing, long weekend starting friday night and things are slow
I’m either watching YouTube/Netflix, reading something online, playing video games, writing, listening to music, walking my dog, going for a walk, going for a drive, cooking, cleaning or sleeping.
Get up, feel bad, go get smokes, play some battlefield v off an on, tv/internet off and on, usually go for walk for 45 minutes, maybe go out to eat or microwave something
During the week wake up at 5am, get dressed/hygiene. Clock into work at 6:45. Work until 5-7pm. Go home, eat supper. Shower. Check facebook/message online friends/listen to music. Usually in bed by 10:30-11pm and repeat.
On the weekends I have no set wakeup/bed time or plans. Usually just lounge until sunday which is my day to do laundry and get ready for the week.
Good work…I work six days a week,wake up at night as I don’t have the habit of sleeping early which I hope I do…I travel at around 9:40 and reached work at 10am and start.Worked until 9:30pm and go home, after reaching I rest a bit and workout for an hour…drank milk or isotonic drink then prepare for sleep,I also talked to my gf on phone until 12:30-1am…after that I watched YouTube and try to sleep.Usually fall asleep after an hour or two as I have had insomnia…
I sleep in until late, wake up and check my phone, do some housekeeping on the computer / make a call if I have to, go to the coffee shop and get a drink, come home and listen to music, make dinner, eat with my mom, study and / or knit for a bit, watch YouTube/check my Instagram constantly for like 2 hours then finally I go to bed. Kinda basic, I’m like a teenager LOL but there are days when I work and hang out with friends, those are seldom though.
Get up
Do nothing
Do more nothing
Just a little more nothing
Make supper
Do nothing
Go to bed
I wake up at 6 am.
I have breakfast n coffee n Monday’s, Tuesday’s and Thursday’s I walk my brothers dogs around 7.30am.
Monday’s ,Tuesday’s I go to the gym at around nine am and Fridays around eight am.
I volunteer work Wednesdays and Thursdays and Fridays for a couple hours or so.
Monday’s, Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s I sometimes visit my sacred neigh and just share a apple with her or so.she is retired now.
I am usually home around lunch time every day and have lunch and then have a shower and I put my pj on after lunch and sit in bed in my pj on my computer the rest of the afternoon.
I usually visit the forum or browse the Internet.
Occasionally I may watch a DVD .
Around 6 pm I have dinner and take my medication.
Go back on the computer and usually in bed around 7.30pm.
The medication makes me tired.
That’s my weekdays.
Weekends I do not do much.
I will see if I can attend a gym class Saturdays.hopefully I can.depends how I go with the instructor etc
When it gets warmer I will hopefully go for dips.
I sleep in most days, wake up and eat my main meal of the day. If I’m not hanging out with a friend on his weeks off of work, I’ll hang out with my mom. Watch the world news, watch a movie or show. Then art or gaming at night.
I tend to binge shows and movies at night while randomly chatting on my phone.
I just quit my job so until I’ve gotten another or started school my days will look like this:
Wake up, begrudgingly
Drink coffee and eat breakfast
Do a few chores
Watch anime or play a game
Study something
Goof around
Take a walk
Chat with the boyfriend
Mess around on my phone
Rinse and repeat
I get up at 9 or 10, I make coffee, I take my pills until the coffee is ready, I drink the coffee, double espresso, with two cigarettes, I eat some yogurt with fruits or biscuits, i go to the toilet, I wash my face and brush my teeth, I drink another coffee etc
Wake up anywhere between 11 am and 2 pm. On occasion I even have the will to wake up earlier, or sometimes I’m forced to because of clinicals or exams. Study study study or do other school related things. Try to finish in time to have free time. In the evening, go spend time with boyfriend. At night either collapse from exhaustion or try to stay up doing hobbies and collapse from exhaustion anyways.
It’s pretty repetitive and stressful right now honestly, but it won’t be that way much longer. I graduate in just like 8 months or so now.
I wake up at 630 am. Leave just after 7 to drop the dogs off at day camp and go to work. Have to be at work for 8 am but am usually early and smoke a few more cigarettes before going up to the office. I bring my coffee with me.
At 1130 I go to lunch and smoke more and go back to work at 1230. I get off at 430 pm and get home around 5. I watch tv or talk to the wife for an hour and then at 6 I go get something to eat and pick up the dogs. Come back home and watch tv or talk to the wife until 930 pm and then go to bed.
On the weekend I keep the same schedule with eating and going to bed I just don’t go to work and the dogs don’t go to camp.
I take meds every morning, after dinner and before bed every day.
Wake up 3:30 get ready for work at work around 6 finish 5 unless there’s overtime then finish at 6 get home 6 or seven eat food go on this forum or play game s.