What increases status across the board....?

What increases status across the board…?

Beats me, Pedro. : ).

Accomplishment is a good place to start.

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demeanor = power, honesty = ability, discipline = respect. Many things raise status. If I get a job as an accountant or scientist that still means nothing in terms of status (except on a superficial level) unless I have good character.

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A blessing could increase status

I thought you meant this board lol.

Irl I think I’m content and happy altho I guess I haven’t always sang that tune here.

I abandoned most earthly pursuits, I think mostly.

Shoot I’m probably just in a good mood, the afterglow of someone basking in things of no particular reason.

Status is perception.

I wouldn’t bother with the Mormon ones, had those and PFFFT. Can’t trade your Melchizedek Priesthood for so much as a cup of coffee (not that you’re supposed to).


Usually if I win both park place and boardwalk and put up a few hotels then I’mma win. Maybe all the railroads too


Money. 15151515

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