What increases status across the board....?

as above folks…

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Why do you ask this question so many times?

Do you want us to say, money?

I don’t understand.

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why do always want to argue with me?

it is not about money i have a sense of humour

lighten up

it xmas next week

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Why do you want to increase status? Also define what you mean, as there are many types of Social Capital

It’s not Christmas next week and I’m Jewish anyway.

I argue with you because you always post the same nonsensical stuff.

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A Turkish moustache


i just want us who had psychosis to improve status across the board

it would be a sickener for others who wrote us off

my intentions are good for us here

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Self respect ?


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I was written off.

However, I chose to reject defeatism from healthcare professionals trying to pension me off on benefits.

No way.

I will fight to keep up with the world as best as I can


well maybe its funny and nonsensical

maybe flip the coin and laugh at it

my aim is to be funny sometimes

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Pedro, I also thought this thread was about money

i love a sucess story here

i admire those here that achive so much despite sz/sza

it gives us all hope

lets all work as a team

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when I had a girlfriend i had much more status than money

i am poor

maybe wanting money won’t happen i don’t truly really care

We’re all at different stages of this experience.

One day I hope many will settle down more, and do what they want to do with their lives - whether volunteering, working or just living a peaceful life free of harm.

It’s wrong to assume that all is lost. I have been there a few times personally, but I have a drive that doesn’t let me give up.

When I was first dx’d with sz, I didn’t do anything for 6 months, and then it was two years until I realised what the meds were doing to my body, and I sought better treatments.

It was tough, and the journey was long and full of mistakes, but I firmly believe in the humbling nature of people who have been unfortunate enough to have mental health issues of all kinds

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You always have the option of muting users who post things you are bothered by. If you seek out a fight you will have to be moderated.


I’m in a bad mood and it has nothing to do with @san_pedro.

Apologies to him and the forum.


I know, and I hope things get easier for you.


On MSN messenger I liked setting my status to busy or away, even if I was still online playing neopets :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

Sneaky Level :wink:


If you send me a regular income I will side with you in most dramas.


I like what star crazy wrote.

I guess Status means knowing lots of successful people, and having a successful career.

That makes me lowest status possible. “You will be stolen for that”, the voices said.