What happened when you went off meds? Any success stories?

I am currently on 1mg. I would be lowering it to .5mg if my pdoc were to lower it. I use to be on 2mg but I have been on 1mg for a least 6 months now

I was off medication 1 year first time and 8 years second time before being hospitalised two years ago and again medicated.

I was hearing voices but they went away with out medication many years ago and then I had delusions and paranoia last hospitalisation.

During the 8 year period off meds I managed to study and work part time for few months.

Im on minimal dose of meds now by cutting tablets as I feel I don’t need or want high doses.

That is really interesting. Thanks for sharing. I am on a really low dose too. I take 1mg Risperidone. What med do you take and what dose?

At the NAMI group my mom attends she says most of the families there have someone going crazy at home because they haven’t taken meds. Someone might even be on meds for a long time but then start having delusions again after stopping and start refusing the meds again thinking it’s poison. I feel like taking meds is not optional for most people. People suggesting they go off meds when they feel better often don’t end well. This also happened to me after my first episode when I relapsed a few months later and had almost a year of delusions that caused my brain to be a little weaker than before. Never going off meds again because the results are too scary, at least for me.

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Nothing good ever came from going off meds other than a week vacation in the Hospital


Ya, it’s probably a forgone fantasy. Right now, I don’t wanna risk it. One only wishes…

No longterm success here yet. I once went off meds for 2 years (did use an AD). When I quit the AD I had a withdrawal psychosis. Now I’m off meds for one month. I am doing well, but still scared to relapse one day.

The meds don’t help me with delusions. I still have them. I was dx with delusional disorder before I was dx with paranoid sz.

The meds disqualify me from my profession so I tried going off of them the whole time I was on them. I finally got down to the lowest dose of Geodon you can take 20mg a day and I took that for a while. I was still sick but I hadn’t accepted the illness yet and didn’t realize I was sick.

I asked my doctor to take me off the Geodon and he wouldn’t do it. So I just stopped taking it. I made it 4 days. On day 5 I was in the hospital with crazy suicidal visual hallucinations. I am a believer in my meds now. But honestly if it were just delusions I was contending with I would try again personally because the meds don’t work for me on those.

But you have to weigh how they work for you.

I was on some medication that I don’t even remember and was a complete mess. Gained almost 30 lbs, was sleeping most of the day and basically life was not going to be the same anymore which devastated me and was depressed. Eventually I started going to the gym slowly but surely made a routine and ended up getting a job and basically just said screw it and went cold turkey.

It was a little rough in the beginning but eventually I had the most productive year financially ever. I was working, lost all the weight, was stable, and feeling like I was on top of the world. It stayed that way for a good year and eventually the illness creeped up on me very slowly and within a year I eventually lost my mind again, flipped and totaled my car, and ended up in the psychiatric ward for the 4th time for a week.

Eventually I started on a new treatment of Invega Sustenna 234mg monthly injection. Gained a little weight and have been stable for the past 8 months. So no success getting of the medications but I’m doing a lot better. The only thing is the shitty feeling I have to deal with everyday, the side effects and the negative symptoms of the illness. I wish I could go back 2 years and feel the way I was feeling and functioning.


This post is a year old. OP hasn’t even logged on since May of last year. @Schizophrenic you’re posting in a lot of zombie threads. Why not reply to active threads or start your own if you want?


I went off Vraylar just recently and it was a disaster. I went severely psychotic. Thankfully my boyfriend was home to wrangle me because it was BAD. Won’t be doing that again any time soon.

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Yea I’ve been searching for a lot of answers and have been coming across a lot of topics I didn’t realize they were old discussions. Thanks for letting me know.