I’m not going to go off my meds anytime soon but I am hoping to someday. People with Delusional Disorder, which is what they ‘think’ I have, have a better chance of going off meds and recovering successfully. Having said that, we never really know what our dx is. We only know we are all delusional and psychotic. What made you think you coud go off meds? How long were you off meds before anything bad happened, if anything? and have any of you successfully transitioned off meds?
“What happened when you went off meds? Any success stories?”
the first time I went off meds, I had successfully
went back to the psych ward
You caught me off guard and I honestly chuckled. I figured that was probably the case for most.
Worst major break of my life. Debilitating parnoia and delusions with tormenting hallucinations. Hadnt excepted my dx yet at the time and didnt think i needed them. Didnt get hospitalized but prob definitely should have. Started patrolling my property with my guns and spotlight and had the cops called on me regularly. I was so off the wall i barely remember most of the episode. Tore my entire house apart looking people in the walls and was in a constant state of paranoid hypervigilance. Its like a bad dream i am still picking the pieces up from years later. It did however make me realize and except my dx but not until much later.
Wow. That sounds awful. I had paranoia so bad once that I had to go to the hospital. That was my last ‘break’. Paranoia is the worst. I am glad you survived and are still with us. The weird thing about me is (well, there is lot’s of weird stuff about me but I digress…) is that My delusion stays constant even with meds. The meds DO help me not to lose control though. When I do have a break, it is so bad that I am telling you…I am NOT in control of myself. I swear it’s these people controlling my brain and body. Anyhoo…I DO take my meds to avoid that scenario and esp the horrible paranoia. I still hope I can go off them someday though
Last time I had a scarey experience. I was patrolling my house late at night with the biggest knife I have. I was convinced gang members were trying to get in. It doesn’t help that across the road there’s an active drug house! My opinion is they are growing weed inside, it’s why I never see the supplier stop by. Just cars going away and traffic stopping by for like 5 minutes then leaving. The house was raided back in 2010. But it came back to life doing the samething in 2 weeks. I’ve called the cops a dozen times but they never do anything about it. So I watch it happen. I watch my neighborhood turn to crap and nobody can stop it. But the second I told the police I’m feeling hostile about it,5 cops were practically breaking down my door and sent me back to the mental hospital for 7 days. Cops aren’t here to protect us,I think they are being paid off by the cartels. But I could just be crazy.
I am assuming you went back on meds at the hospital? I have had bad experiences with the Police too. I am almost afraid of them. They go after the good guys and let the bad guys go sometimes. eh…long story but I have my reasons. I’m sorry you went through that. I hope you’re OK now
Paranoia is def the worst especially mixed with delusions of persecution and strong visual hallucinations. My invega manages the paranoia quite nicely tho thankfully. Many of my delusions are constant as well, but on the meds i dont obsess over them making things worse. Visual hallucinations usually come from stress and lack of sleep and are minor and i frequent. My audio hallucinations (if u can call them hallucinations…one of my delusions) are fairly constant but manageable. I take a second AP to help with those but i like not being a zombie and dealing with minor symptoms than being too drugged up.
Yeah I switched to rexulti and I don’t have the extreme paranoia anymore. Things were intense for awhile back in August 2016. But my meds are stronger and I’m like a different person. I had too much time on my hands and I lost it. But now I’ve joined a gym to burn up built up energy. And family is closer and aware of my needs. I won’t be left alone for days at a time. Plus getting locked up isn’t very fun.
I’m off meds now, I went off meds many times and I was unsuccessful, anger suicide and many bad things happened, but this recent time I was successful, you should rewire your brain with the help of meds, being well for a long time and after that you can go off meds.
@47average ive heard stories of police assaulting innocent men who were found smoking weed then police take it for themselves.
well the withdrawal symptoms were painful, i had a bad migraine and couldnt stop crying, the emotions felt too powerful and i couldnt get out of bed.
I’m not on medication as thus far I have been treatment resistant entirely, and they only contribute to the further decline of my mental health. Saying that, my life is a living hell; but like I have said on here before, I cannot live with this disorder but I cannot live without it, as this is all I have ever known. From the moment I was born my reality has been drastically different to those around me, but it is the reality I have learnt to live in, whether I can function within it or not is a different matter entirely.
This is the life I have accepted, which will most likely be filled with many hospital trips and near death experiences; as it always has been.
The medication for psychotic illnesses, and all mental illnesses really, needs to be improved drastically. In their current state, they are too harmful with little to no effectiveness for many, which is not acceptable; especially considering the amount of time anti-psychotic medication has been around, yet still with each new medication that is released, the side effects and it’s lack of effectiveness remain the same.
Though if they would work, I would take medication, those who can take medication are incredibly lucky, and if you have found one that works without too detrimental side effects, keep taking it, you’re on the right track.
Last time I went off meds, I went totally and completely wacko. No success story here.
I went off meds for 2 years, then ended up psychotic in hospital.
I was barely functioning for those 2 years too.
My success story is that I got back on them again and stabilized.
What made me think I could go off meds? Because I spent the majority of my life mentally ill and unmedicated and functioning decently well.
How long was I off meds before anything bad happened? Hmm depends on the med. Abilify I was off for maybe a week or two and it then catapulted me into a severe depressive episode. Risperidone was also off a little over a week when I got a spike in psychosis that took a while to settle down. When I quit my sleep meds, trazodone and Ativan, I had awful insomnia for 2 solid weeks. I didn’t get any immediate bad effects from dropping latuda or Zoloft. After about 2 months I had another depressive episode.
I’m I suppose successfully off meds right now. I haven’t had a psychotic episode in over a year. The depression is really not stable though, and I intend to go back on an antidepressant because if I don’t eventually one of my episodes will kill me.
Long slow crash. So slow that it didn’t really register how much of my life was being eroded away - I just kept cutting back and cutting back what I thought I could handle.
Well said man! I agree that the meds are pure shyte.
I take 40 mg of latuda which is theming in dose for psychosis. I have not had an episode and I do not have psychotic symptoms. But my life sucks so badly on this stuff, because of the side effects, that I constantly entertain going off of it.
I agree that they need to make new meds, ones that work, and don’t cause motor problems and weight gain and sexual dysfunction. Then it might not be as bad having one of these illnesses.
It’s a No Win situation really.
Stay on the meds and suffer debilitating side effects.
Go off of the meds and suffer debilitating Psychotic symptoms and end up in the Hospital or Jail!
I choose meds.