I’m just wondering what’s it like for people that been dealing with this illness for a long time now. What’s it like? How are your symptoms? Is there really hope for a youngster like me.
I’ve been sz 17 years no sz symptoms just some annoyance from meds, side effects. Doing Better over the years, work full time and have a family.
How long did it take till you where symptom free?
I don’t know, no ones ever seen one.
5713 just proved that there is
Less voices regular sleep less delusion
Had a lot of negative symptoms Got on an antidepressant about 5 years in that helped a lot. I went back to work About 3 months after my first break. But really struggled for a few years But you have to push through it. Things get slowly better in time and you adapt. Seeking God is important to my recovery.
Thanks @5713 this gives me a lot of hope!
I’m not old and I’ve only been stabilized for over a year but it has been a good year. I lost some weight, did some work and school, made some really close friends, went to day treatment, went on a trip to China, hiked a lot and went to lots of outings and support groups, and haven’t spent a day without going somewhere except when I’m sick or it is a holiday. Right now I volunteer and study programming and am waiting to start substitute teaching.
I maintain. Still get breakthroughs every now and then but have learned to get out of trouble as you do. I’ve been on the same doses and meds for over ten years but probably more. It’s all a blur now but I’ve always taken meds religiously and that is a start.
I can’t work. Others can. I get stressed and get paranoid and that just sux so I volunteer a couple of days a week at my cricket club. I’ve learned some skills and I still play competitive cricket at 47. It helps to have a hobby or sport to meet people and engage with things.
I live with my parents. We split things three ways so we all benefit. They helped me move overseas years ago and I still help them out because that is the right thing to do. I could be in a relationship but find that it’s just not worth the drama at the moment. I’m happy just doing my thing. I live my life with my rules and have a bit of fun when I can. It’s nothing great…but it’s a decent life and it all begins with getting the meds right for you!
Thanks @anon62973308 and @rogueone that gives me better knowledge and hope!
@Longhorn21, what held me back for years was non-compliance with meds and some nasty substance abuse issues. I know you made a decision to get sober and you have no problems taking your meds. What took me over two decades to learn, you’ve already figured out. You are doing great, the rest is just re-learning how to cope with your issues and how to live your life within certain boundaries that come along with the illness. I honestly think I’m time you will have great success in your life and will find new friends and get back with some old ones. New opportunities will arise and you might very well achieve new goals and overcome new challenges. The skies the limit and treatments and meds are getting better all the time. Don’t worry too much, take it a day at a time, and please don’t get too discouraged with yourself when things get rough. You can beat this, you’ve already proven to be right on the ball as far as responsibly doing what’s required to recover. I think in a few years you will be right back on track!
Thank you so much this means a lot to me!
I have had sz for 15 years now. In my third year with sz I found the right meds and went into remission. Went off meds soon after. Five years after I went off my meds I relapsed. A year later I found a med that works for me. Since then I have been relatively stable - if i took my meds.
So what does a stable szphrenic look like - a normie who sometimes talks to herself and looks sad or scared every now and then. But mostly like a normie
Ding, ding…I am on a med regimen…which I totally adhere, too, suffer from side effects that make it so I cant drive, have TD, long qts, some mania. However, no voices or hallucinations atm. I workout 5-6 days a week, cook every meal, love my husband and dogs. And accept that nobody is better than me just cuz I’m sz…won’t advertise my illness in rl, but I have hope because I feel safe for first time ever. Also, I I weighed in the 80s and now in 120s. Battled anorexia for a long time. I hate my disease but accept myself. Good luck on your journey. I’m around some, but remember to ask your dr or drs for help.
There is a feeling of total inability to direct your life and socially not being able to contribute to planets evolution.
But other than that relaxed feeling…even peace…
Except for a few side effects of the meds I have completely recovered. That’s what my doctor said to me. Currently my career is not set thats the only thing that is bothering me otherwise I am just like anyone else.
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