My sisters boyfriend is the coolest I could imagine. We used to butt heads a lot, but now he’s the first person I send my songs and he supports me 100%. He’s 4 years older than me and kinda like an older brother. He gives me advice and mentors me in a way. I’m lucky to have such a relationship.
When I first met him I was like “THIS IS THE DUDE WHO’S ■■■■■■ MY SISTER” but now I’ve gained a respect for him and look past that. You?
my brother doesn’t have a spouse or mate. But my partner’s step brother’s wife is pretty cool. She even asked how my ankle was today when we were waiting to get food.
My family do not feel like my real family and I truly have beleifs that they are not.
That there’s other people out there that are my real family.
Some of them have been abusive n hateful n awful.
Sometimes not in words but in vibe n hate coming from them etc
Some of them i nolonger love n simply want nothing to do with in any way shape or form.
Some of them I see as my enemy’s not that I hate them cause I dont but they’ve hated on me etc but I do dislike them .dont think they are nice people n don’t really want them in my life.
I may like to send Xmas n birthday card every year to be nice n polite but never meet them again not hear them,see them ,feel them etc
I may have more love for one side of family but even those ones I have issues with n has never felt right some how.
The other side of family I don’t want to meet any of them ever again.
I think they are s awful people.
I do not see them as genuine or good but really bad people kind of people.false cheat.lie etc
I used to love them.i may of loved all at one point.
One woman connected to this family I still love.
There’s atleast a few that I still love
Some of them I have much love for even if I doubt they are my real family I still love them .
I wish I have a people out there that are my real family n it’s not these people …
This family n people it feels right n good with n we love each other n they do not associate with this other families nor do they want to n nor are they with my enemies.
I don’t hate my enemies nor do I wish them bad I simply want nothing to do with them.
My whole family has helped me with my battle with schizophrenia since day 1. And I’ve had it for 36 years. I can’t ever remember even one time that I wasn’t treated just like everybody else by my sisters.
My mom and dad are deceased but they helped me too. I am treated like normal and I was asked to go everywhere with them and their friends or husbands until I started turning down invitations. The fact that I have schizophrenia cannot always be ignored but any problem I have with it is handled matter of factually, tactfully, and with sensitivity.
Even if they weren’t my sisters I would like to be friends with them. They’re cool, funny, and great to hang around. But they don’t put up with much bulls*it from anybody. I
forgot to say that they are both smart. They have their faults; my oldest sister has a terrible temper but she has mellowed out in the last several years as she gets older. My middle sister can be a little mean and harsh sometimes but it only happens occasionally.
Anyways, everything they have done for me could fill a book.