Do you have a good relationship with your siblings

I have an ok relationship with my sister.

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Unfortunately not. It is not out of bad will, but my brother and I are just very different. Eventhough theres only two years between us, we did always have different friends and interests.

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Zero contact with my half siblings. Theyā€™re all on my biological sperm donors side.

Half sister died of an overdose, she was the only one I would of contacted.

Essentially Iā€™m an only child.

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I have seven siblings, only three by blood, I couldnā€™t live without my two younger sisters (we share our mother), and neither my big brother or sister.

I rarely see my other siblings, but I like them and feel very privileged having them around. My stepmother is an angel. My own mother passed away when I was twenty years old.

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Iā€™m friends with my youngest brother. Heā€™s really cool. Weā€™re very alike, always have been.

My other brother, I occasionally see him, but heā€™s an a**hole.

My older sister, I stopped talking to her in May. Sheā€™s the most toxic, manipulative, and abusive person Iā€™ve ever met.


My relationship with my sister is not that great. Sheā€™s very arrogant. She always says to me ā€œitā€™s not that simpleā€ when I voice my opinions.

My older sister was always very difficult with me and not sisterly. She told me on my first day of high school never to speak to her or wave to her because she didnt want her friends to recgonise me.
We pretty much never spoke but when I had pchyosis we stopped talking altogether.

My younger sister treats very neutrally. She rarely talks to me but if I speak to her she replies politely.

My younger brother I was very close with to until he was a teenager and he became very rude and inconsiderate. I stopped talking to him when he called the police on me once for some minor argument. He threatens me with violence and tries to upset me whenever I have to confront him about stuff like taking my food or not looking after the dogs etc.

My brother has made it crystal clear to me that heā€™s not going to be an integral part of my life.
Although heā€™s going to be my trustee in the future.

Yes. I love my sister very much. She was the first person I told about the voices when I started hearing them, and she has been endlessly supportive and understanding :heart:


closest to my biological brother,
my adopted brothers, ever so often,
and my half sister, like never.

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I have two sisters and I get along with them well. Iā€™m a little closer to my middle sister because we lived together when I was in college. My older sister and I get along well enough. Sheā€™s a little more bossy. I canā€™t really talk to her about my illness.

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I donā€™t have a relationship them. Most likely not going to happen. Feet bird dead paws


Iā€™ve not seen my brother and sister since moving to Wiltshire in Sept 2017. My brother and I email each other several times a week. He has mental health problems too. My sister is a ā€˜friendā€™ on FB, but we interact with each other very very little. Sheā€™s always been quite negative about my having a mental illness. I have 2 nieces, one will be 27 soon and the other 24. Iā€™ve seen very little of them . One has never been a FB friend and the other unfriended me . When I stayed at my sisterā€™s for a few days, about 5-6 years ago, they stayed in their rooms. Iā€™m much closer to my grandchildren here in Wiltshire than my nieces. They are far more affectionate,caring and supportive.

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Me and my youngest brother are also sort of close.

Although thereā€™s a ten year age gap.

Heā€™s just so easy to get on with.

I can literally say nearly anything


He would really listen.


I am like going on about the same thing too much

Then not necessarily :ā€™( lolā€¦



I have a 6 year difference with my little bro. We also get along really well.

Iā€™m glad you get along well with your brother.

I might hang out with my brother, tomorrow! Iā€™m looking forward to it. :relaxed:


My 37 year old bug sisters is extremely supportive over the phone with everything in my life.

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My siblings are pretty cool. We all have a good relationship. Iā€™m grateful.

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I have a decent relationship with my remaining sister. I donā€™t see her that often though.

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