What do you think about the concept of "Normies" a poll

  • Do normies exist?
  • No it’s a false division, we are meshed up together
  • Normies do exist, but it’s no problem, I get along with them
  • They exist and make living for outsiders hard to cope with, living up to their standards,
  • They do exist and are able to help us because they are rooted in reality.
  • They do exist and find it hard to be around them, i prefer being with my own tribe

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I’m married to one and I work with many others. Not really a big deal to me.


Nice poll! :slightly_smiling_face: @bluebutterfly


One of my oldest friends is a dogmatic normie and i like him for being so, because most of my other friends are odd ones out. It can be refreshing to meet him


When you say “normie” you don’t see the personal story of a complex person that has their own complex systemic problems whether they’re not hindered by a mental illness like schizophrenia, they’re dealing with their own story their own character flaws, and their own ambitions.

There is no reason to think of people like that. Depression is also not something a lot of people talk around about.

Its pretty common, and many people struggle with emotions, hope, and failing to meet their own expectations and goals…just because this particular thing isn’t affecting them… I dunno, would you really respect a disabled person that looks at people without diagnosed problems as normies?

I don’t think I belong to this community to feel like some clique I come here to connect with people who are similarly troubled and hopefully put them in a better mood, to connect with them and hope they feel heard.

I’m disappointed in this sort of sentiment.


My uncles name is Uncle Norm. Does that count :crazy_face:


Yep whether we got mental illness or not were still left with a series of problems to deal with through lifes journey.

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Very true, its a way to categorize people in a very simple way disregarding the whole personality of the person, but sometimes concepts like that, can make you think of your own personality and make a solidarity among people who feels like misfits. I mean - if we accept the very simple concept of normies, then normies have several words for mentally ill people and then i find it refreshing we can talk about them like normies when they group us together as mentally ill patients even we have our individual personalities beside being mentally ill


Normies can have even bigger problems. My poor wife is married to me.



I don’t enjoy the term “normies” because literally all that it means is people with normal functioning brains. Our brains fail to function properly. I feel like calling them normies is a weird way to divide us from normal people. almost like an us vs them mentality.

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I can absoltuely jive with all of the above lol

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There are degrees of normalcy. Pretty much everyone has their quirks. Defining “normal” is not easy.


I really don’t like the slang normie word, as I’ve never met someone who didn’t have problems. Also it implies that we are abnormal, and I don’t like that because I’m not abnormal. I’m just a person with mental health needs that don’t define who I am. True it’s made me the person i am today, but I appreciate all that I have because it makes me a better person being more compassionate, self respecting, and patient with myself. Sorry, but I disagree with the concept of the word.


My dad is a normie.

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Yeah not a fan of the term. I can pass as pretty normal and I’m anything but. Still. There’s crazier people out there I’ve found than me and I’m on medications. True story.


I prefer the term neurotypical over normie.


It’s good to see you on the forum tonight.

what is that? is one dna -v- social commons

Normie is pejorative in nature while neurotypical is descriptive in nature.

So a normie devours the social media into his life? By any means? Sounds like he is having to much fun in real life. Or atleast the normie knows what hes doing?