What do you regret most in your life?

Do you have any big regrets that would have turned your life around?

I regret that I developed dementia.

not something that happened to you - in a bad way.
I mean something that you chose on your own/

I smoked a ■■■■ load of cannabis in my teenage years and into college. I think that’s why I have this disorder.

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I regret not buying Apple shares in 1998 when it was trading around 2 bucks. What is a share worth now?..$600.00?

Yeesh! If we only all had a time capsule!


I guess this topic was bad idea

I regret my unrealistic career choice - music. Music doesn’t really pay the bills that much and is very hard on the nerves.


I love music and admire musicians. I have a friend who is a musician too and he has not been very successful.
But it is very admirable because not everyone can do it. You should be proud of yourself.

I have been thinking of taking some singing lessons lately - I would love to sing in a band once a week at a small pub!

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I regret not leaving my job and returning to school earlier.


I regret starting smoking again when I was 24. I quit when I was 21, went 3 1/2 years without a cigarette, then bam, made a stupid mistake. I could have so much more money now! I would say I regret starting in the first place at age 13, but 13 year olds do stupid things, it’s their job.


I regret not doing well in school

Is your musician friend high strung? It’s also a boring career. There’s the joke about the violinist who dreamt he was playing in Handel’s Messiah and woke up to discover that he was. Endless rehearsals. Some pianists do nothing but practice 8 hours a day. Vocalists have it better as they are physically limited as to how much they can practice.

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still it is form of art and if you are passionate about it - it would not feel like a burden. The way I spend hours a day doodling and painting and drawing sometimes more and when I work full time, I work for 11 hours a day.

Is that something you really could have avoided, though? I regretted that for a long time, too, but the truth is that I just wasn’t healthy enough for school. No sense in blaming myself for it.

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I regret dumping my first gf.

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Yeah I think I had schizophrenia back then


Can’t agree with you. Art or not it is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Bodies have a limit.

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Not telling Katina my feelings of dread before She when out and had the car crash that killed Her. Maybe if I had and talked Her in to not going that day or later She still be here.

My fault

Not your fault. You weren’t driving the car. There was no way you could have known it was going to happen. Usually, when we get feelings of dread, nothing happens. When something does happen, it’s a coincidence, not a premonition.

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I thought you were kidding first because it is like scene from movie but you cannot really blame yourself for anything.
I believe in destiny and karma and everything happens as it should.