What do you miss most since schizophrenia?

I would say, for me, its the freedom to design reality for myself, instead of being told by voices how the world really is.


What I miss the most is having control over my mind, being able to hear silence when I wanted to, and not feeling like I’m being watched all the time.


Its Studies…Education…
though i was never a Brilliant student…:alien:

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This topic is kinda depressing, man…

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You don’t need to believe the voices.

I miss my financial independence


I miss my memory and enthusiasm to study things.


I miss my ability to cope with situations.


perhaps its a good thing, to find what one misses, to then work at it.

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Normal stable weight.


I miss my childhood - I was never “normal” but I rememeber how more carefree I was back then.

I miss the idea of my childhood home - they were happier times in many ways.

Im tired of struggling but I keep marching forward slowly and this is fine.

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Being skinny. And remembering when to shower without help.

The things I miss the most are the Army, Sailing and Shooting!

I loved sailing, but some charities that I’d want to do it with only take people with physical handicaps. Otherwise it’s out of my budget.

A few years back I also looked at going tandem parachute jumping, so lost the weight to do it and again no go!

As far as things like washing goes, I could easily soak for over a hr 2x a day in the bath :slight_smile:

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I miss my career as an architect and having more money when I worked.

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My sense of self

Psychedelic drugs…I’m just being honest


This one for me too.

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Desire to do things

Definetly peace of mind and the ability to relax. Oh yeah, I’m not good at making bread anymore.

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Being rational, and enjoying

I was 12-13. I don’t have a before. I only have one reality as an adult…I wonder what it would be like to not have been tormented by demons. I can’t imagine what that might feel like.