Treatment in 1000 years? people will believe in themselves and take responsibility. the character disorder mindset will shift to a neurosis. At which point manipulation will stop and people will finally accept help.
We as a society will implode from all the dividing we as humans do, and we will dissapear from this planet as we know it.
Another life form will rise again, find our posts from this website, and hail us as mythical figures.
i’m not a fan of messing around with DNA.
i like to think we would be better at accurately diagnosing it and getting ahead of it with newer meds and techniques of talking things through.
what that looks like is hard to say but i do like the idea of taking a pill and your kids not being born with mental illness. a preventive step.
It will be non existent but the way society is going so will us as a species.
I’d put money on a superintelligent species of lizard which will become Earth’s premier export…I stole that from a great sci fi book I’ve read!
Once in a while,I see someone write a post about schizophrenia with honesty,rationality and understanding the root of its puzzle.
Depends. If the system never moves then schizophrenia will always be there, the same thing. If society shifts and ascends, truly, schizophrenia will be obsolete
Chocolate flavored medication. Or coconut flavored.
Is it injected into the arm or the buttcheek?
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