So it’s been almost a year since i was laid off of work. About a year and a half since diagnoses, and i still find no joy in hobbies. Thinking maybe I’m not finding the right one. What do you all do to pass the time?
Internet ding dong dong …
Wherr r u from buddy .???
Salt lake city utah
Do u work …15151551515
No I was laid off my career job. I’ve tried to work other jobs and i just cant keep up
Are u on disability.???
Fighting for it still hopefully i will be. What about you?
During my free time I mostly listen to music and watch movies. I’m rather quiet. But I have a job so I have not so much free time.
I am waiting for cure dude …
Wouldn’t that be nice haha
I listen to a lot of music as well. Almost everywhere i go. I don’t love it like i used to but it’s still nice. Movies i have yet to get in to.
Usually i play video games and play my guitar. I take walks also. I need to start writing some new material.
I am 31 years old btw how old are u
…and what iz ur long and short time goal…
Video games at least distract. I played guitar for years. Just haven’t lately but thats always a good choice. What kind of music do you play?
I play blues. Psychedelic music. I play a lot of Jimi hendrix. The music i make is a mix between psychedelic rock, blues, hip hop and jazz. Some of my tracks are straight up hip hop, though. Others are more bluesy and have singing instead of rapping.
I’m 27 short term goal to stabilize on meds. Long term for now is just to be a good father i think. I constantly change my mind and have many doubts. What about you
Awesome! I’m more in to metal but i love blues and classic rock your style sounds interesting
Buddy i am off to morning food…get back soon…take care …
Alright you too. Thanks!