What do u wish you weighed?

And do u think you will get there? I want to b at least 121 pounds. I am currently 147 pounds and 5’6. At this rate I think I might get there


I’m 5’11 and 180, pretty happy for my weight.

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I’d like to be around 160. I am 225 right now.


I want to get down to what I weighed when I met my husband. The number doesn’t matter, it’s the idea 163

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I would like to weigh 200 am currently working on it trying to eat right and walking on my treadmill every day just started tho hopefully in about 6 months I see some kind of results

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Ideal weight is 170-180 lbs. I weigh like 270 lbs. I cant lose weight on meds, only gain weight.

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160 lbs . I’m about 240 lbs. " To dream the impossible dream…"


145.That’s right in the middle of my healthy weight range (I’m tall, 5’8). 135 would be amazing but feels impossible. Right now I’m 167 which is 3 lbs overweight for my height. It’s not really noticeable to other people, but it’s noticeable to me because I know what I look like at a lower weight. I was 135 until college then I was 145 then after Risperidone I jumped up to the 170’s and I’ve never been able to get back to my pre-Risperidone weight. (And I’ve been off it years) Very sad. Now I refuse to stay on any med that makes me gain weight.

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I was on Risperdal for about ten days. I couldn’t deal with the cravings for carbs.


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I tried cutting back on food rather than counting calories a few years ago. I lost 9lbs in about 9 weeks which was slow but sensible weight loss. Then the weight loss plateaued . Eventually went back to the weight I started. At my old address I was having 3-4 takeaways a week. Often portions for 2. Since being here I’ve had a 1/6th to an 1/8th of the takeaways I used to have . Have I lost weight? ■■■■ have I lost weight.

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I like my current weight 205 at about 5’10.5".but I wish I was muscle instead of a glob.

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I would like a bmi of 18.


BMI is for the birds…it takes zilch into account


Yea I remember them teaching that that there’s several stuff they don’t take into account… Just I remember when I was a bmi of eighteen n it suited me :slight_smile:


Just keep on taking care of yourself scales are for fish…and BMI doesn’t take muscle, bone density, etc into account. Don’t beat yourself up


Thanks freedom of speech :slight_smile:


I weigh 115 and figure it’s good enough.


That’s less than me. I’m pretty content with my weight

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I think im like 221 but i want to be 165 to 160. Im working on it but water weight keeps coming back full force

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i am in the vicinity of 165 lbs. and want to be my old weight of 120 badly.
