What celebrity have you met? And how did you meet them? I’ve only met DJ Qualls from The New Guy. I was his cousin’s nanny. I was about 15.
I shook hands with Weird Al Yankovic after a show. I was toasted and said he should come to Australia! This was in a casino in Mississippi. Not a bad show!
This guy:
He was in a lot of horror movies in the fifties and sixties. He was kind of a legend. I didn’t really meet him. A family friend took my me, my mom and my sisters to a talk he was giving at a college around 1974. Afterwards, he went to the college library to talk and mingle with people and I was standing about three feet from him and I wanted to say something to him but I was too shy.
I was working at a hot tub joint in 1984 and Joan Baez walked in.
That thumbnail looked like Donald Trump…lol then I saw it was Vincent Price, I lol’d. I love Vincent Price.
I met vinny Johnson. He used to play pro basketball. He tried to get me to come to his house. I met him at a bar.
the ultimate celebrity, Xenu.
I shook hands with Kevin Bacon - nice guy.
I also met Rob Reiner.
You guys are all lucky ! I never met anyone famous, hopefully one day I will.
I got Eddie money’s autograph at a water park. I have seen dr.drew in person. And John kasich in person but didn’t talk to the last two.
John kasich is the governor of Ohio. He tried to run for president
I served Royalty in 1972, worked 36 hour shift for that, Princess Margret and Lord Snowdon
I stood next to Chris Christopherson at a luggage conveyor belt in Los Angeles.
I sometimes had a fantasy about befriending Bono of U2 and he’d be the one who was honoured to be my friend rather than visa versa. Talk about a God complex. I had it bad.
I met this female feminist writer named Kate Millet. She’s big in some literary circles. I was working in a bookstore, and I thought she looked kind of familiar. I approached her and asked her if she wanted help. She responded, “Oh, I learned to read years ago.” I thought that was an eccentric thing to say, and I retreated to the other side of the bookstore. She followed me, though, and we ended up having a delightful conversation. I still didn’t know she was the great Kate Millet. Then, about three weeks later, I saw her on William Buckley’s television program “Firing Line”. She had just written a book titled “Stopping Psychiatry”. She was telling about her experience being committed. She was saying, “Now look, I was taken to this woman that I had never seen before, and in five minutes she made a decision that had a huge impact on my life.” I’d been in exactly the same position, and experienced exactly the same thing. In my case, I’ve since decided my commitment was warranted.
I met Bobbie Benton in an ice cream shop in Las Vegas in the 70’s. She used to be Hugh Hefner’s main squeeze in the mid 70’s. I knew the Mexican composer/singer/songwriter/ guitarist, Ramon Inclan, because he was my blood uncle. I knew the Mexican singer/guitarist/actor, Tito Guizar, because he was my great uncle.
That’s awesome! You know Lalo Mora? He’s famous Mexican norteño singer. Well, he’s an uncle of mine.
When I was in high school I met the woman who taught Amelia Earhart how to fly. My mom was writing an article about the woman for a magazine or a newspaper. She was quite nice and actually was living in our city!
Weit:smile:d Al is probably on this forum. I suspect it is Nick 77.
I met Gary Busey in an elevator while staying in the Universal Studios hotel. he was with two women and he asked me to come to his hotel room with him and like a shmuck I said I had to ask my aunt first…I was 17. my aunt said hell now and I called him at his room and said I couldn’t come over…haha
Wait, Amelia died long time ago?
Warning: history lesson.
In 1980 the Olympics were coming up. I used to do a lot of work for an old family friend from church at that time He lived on a little bit of property in the foothills and he was older and needed someone to help him with cleaning and maintaining his property. So I dug out trees, split logs, cleaned brush off his hillside, swept, dug ditches, cleaned the horses stable he had, and various other chores.
He was on about a third of an acre of land and he built a small house below his house for his son to live in but the son never lived there. So he rented it out to a young woman who was going to the 1980 Olympics as a highly ranked shot putter. Well, she was pretty big and strong but was actually quite pretty. Being in my teens and being a virgin and the fact she was healthy and pretty the thought did cross my mind that…well, you know…But the odds were the same as winning the lottery that she would ever encourage me. But l would often see her while I was working. She was always nice to me and would smile and say hi.
While she lived in the house she had fellow athletes over socially occasionally and one of her friends was the top ranked male shot putter in the U.S. He was a world class shot putter and actually was a minor local celebrity. I asked our family friend if I could meet him and so he took me down to meet him. He was the largest person I have ever met or been next to in my entire life. He was a man mountain but he seemed like a nice guy. I met him and he shook my hand.
Epilogue: Here’s the history lesson. In 1980 Jimmy Carter was President and Russia was doing some things the U.S. did not approve of. It might have been that Russia was trying to topple the Afghanistan regime.Yeah, I think that’s what it was. So the U.S. under Carter and eventually some of our allies boycotted the Olympics that year in an intent to pressure the Russians to get out of Afghanistan. And sadly, for many athletes, those 1980’s Olympics were their only chance to compete. And this included the man and woman shot putters and many other athletes. These guys had trained for years for the 1980’s Olympics and sacrificed a lot to be in them but all that time and effort went to waste and they never got another chance to be in them. Sad.