What celebrities have you met?

The only celebrity I’ve ever met was Joan Baez and most people I wager don’t even know who she is. And I didn’t actually meet her, she walked into my job in 1985 and I was 5 feet from her. I still think it was pretty cool seeing her so close.


I ran into “The Rock” Dwayne Johnson at a shopping center in Honolulu, Hawaii. He was going to a restaurant with his family.


I used to be an obnoxious name dropper so I won’t mention my meeting any celebrities.
@77nick77, I remember folk singer Joan Baez very well.


allen houston in a seafood buffet. he was a star player of the new york knicks


I can recall meeting, The Thompson Twins, Julio Iglaises, Alan Jackson, Aerosmith, Poison, Stryker, at the arena my (ex) hubby worked for…saw Goldie Hawn at a garage sale in Carmel Valley, Doris Day outside her house in Carmel…
Celebrity status is nice I guess, but most of them are really just people underneath their clothes.

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I went to school in Utah for a year with Carl Malone’s nephew, so I met him once.

I saw joan Collins in Leicester square
And Bruce Forsyth in harrods London

Stephen King signed a book for me once…and when I was in high school the Japanese exchange student I went to English class with was the then Japanese Minister of Education’s Granddaughter, so I met him when he came for Family day at the end of the year…that was actually pretty cool, despite being a Japanese politician he was a very light hearted funny man…

I once met a retired footballer from my favourite team. He signed a piece of paper for me. He was very nice and very tall.

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I saw June Carter Cash sneaking in the back door of Walmart. I saw Amy Carter Walking down the street in Palo Alto. It’s strange, how being in the presence of someone famous makes you feel. I don’t like it. Seems like a false feeling. Something of the devil in it.


I met Gary Busey in an elevator…he invited me up to his room in the hotel we were staying in (universal studios hotel). I said I had to ask my aunt…haha…she said “hell no” and I had to call his room he gave me the number to and he said, “oh well”. haha that same weekend I got to take a picture of John Belushi sitting in his rolls royce behind a fence while we were waiting to take a ride.

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I met a feminist writer named Kate Millet in a bookstore once. She’s big in some literary circles. We had an enjoyable conversation. I remember Joan Baez too.

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My father was a celebrity, but a very private man. A great American writer-John Hersey. Of course he had a lot of famous writer friends (Robert Penn Warren and Bill Styron to name a few). A good friend of my mother’s was Farley Granger. He used to visit her at her house in East Hampton L.I. and stay a few days with his partner, Bob Calhoun. He made advances toward me once. What a creep!


I met David Lynch. Wonderful times.

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I met chuck lidell and frank mir at a wec event right when it merged with the ufc.

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Lets see, I met qute a few celebrities in my time.

I met and shook hands with Kevin Bacon.

Bumped into Mchael York in NYC on the street.

Met Rob Reiner and told him where the rest room was.

Met a few Soap Opera stars.

Met a couple of Pro Football players, including Boomer Esaison etc…

I am not the Star struck kind of person - they are just Human like the rest of us.

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I’ve met Mickey Mantle (1950s and 60s baseball star) and Alice Cooper. Have also met Peter Pace (now-retired Marine Corps General and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff), Tommy Franks (retired Army General), Donald Rumsfeld, Joe Arpaio (America’s “Toughest Sheriff”), Norman Schwarzkopf (US General in the first Iraq War - Desert Storm), and John McCain (Arizona senior senator who ran for President). Living outside of DC gets you close to a lot of bigwig politicians and servicemen.

I met no one, but I shook hand with Mr.Najib before (the now-then Premier of my country).

Japanese ppl are really funny and fun to b around