The objection of the mental pulse causing many effects on the biochemistry processes:
1-Increase the number of the frontal processes
2- Decrease the number of reversal processes
3-Exhusting the chemical energy of brain cells
4- closing all inner pathways of the sensory inputs during the time of objection
-Creating loss the interesting with the external world or the interaction with its influences
5- Stop all current behavior activities (mental or kinetic )
6- change the natural path of the neural pulse
7-Increase the level of attention after each objection process
8-After path of time (hours) the level of attention becomes over the natural rate
9-Acceleration and deceleration the speed of the higher mental knowledge processes without stopping their movement or its sequence repetition
10- The speed and repetition rate of the objection processes in the time unites ARE the main cause of chemical imbalance
=The cause of sz it seems as if he a ghastly gene working against the human gene ,object all the genetic message which coding and decoding the information of the higher mental processes, the cause of SZ changes its pathway and modify the information content itself -can you imagine the pathway of the actual facts !