what do you think is the causes of your schizophrenia,I think mine isn’t genetic because non of my big family member which consist of 40 member only I had mental Illness,but I had quite some different life experience though…I guess it’s my life,I hope the world treats me better and you guys here better
Childhood trauma.
Life Stress. And possibly genetics - I don’t have schizo in my family but my sister and niece have Bipolar which is genetically connected to sz.
My mental health problems are genetically caused and were potentiated by drug use I believe. In my mother’s and father’s families there is schizophrenia, depression, bi-polar mania, and alcoholism. Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot of good stuff in these genes too – intelligence, humor, modesty. (My cousin did a genealogical portrait of my father’s side and published the book she wrote for all members to purchase.)
It’s hard to trace back family history because if we go back to our grandparents or great grandparents’ time, mental illness was often undiagnosed or misinterpreted. For example, my ex had a grandfather who we found out tried to commit suicide on a couple of occasions but no one knew of him as ‘depressed’ - they would just say he went through a rough time. Or, in my own case; my ADD is clearly inherited from my mother, but again, she was just known as being a bit disorganised and scatter-brained - it’s only obvious now, when we have an actual term for it. Before we knew about Asperger’s and the autism spectrum, people were referred to as a bit ‘eccentric’, ‘weird’ or reclusive.
it’s been done to me. i can’t say exactly who they are, but i know what they can do and they’ve implanted things. clearly.
at the time I was getting sick my fiance at the time was cheating on me. I had to leave Las Vegas and left my best friend behind. I had to quit my job and I was a victim of a violent crime. This all happened in like a month. That is when I started feeling bad.
For me it is a combo of genetics - traumatic childhood ( severe panic disorder since early childhood)
Life stressors - ex. drugs - certain prescription drugs that worsen my disorder (imipramine) and street drugs (mescaline) and general life triggering events - divorce, loss of a loved one, etc…
Mine would be stress, i been in stress all of my life
For me it’s most likely genetics… I have an Uncle with Sz my brothers are all going through something from depression to bipolar… I have some cousins with bipolar.
I have a very close and kind family so it wasn’t trauma. If it wasn’t nurture… it must be nature.
I had my first psychotic episode on Vyvanse / Adderall. But it also runs in the family on my mother’s side (bipolar / paranoia).
I think its genetic…yeah you van have life stressors but in truth I think youre ahrd wired genetically to develop this. Its karma.
Karma,I will try to do more good and live my best this life,hopefully next life wouldn’t be so awful
I can’t think it’s karma… I just don’t think I did anything in my past life to cause this in my present life. As far as those who say… if you would have lived more cautiously in your teen years… according to my parents… I was starting to crumble when I was 5.
60% of dx’s have no close family member with sz. Inherited is not exactly right. What it means is the phenotype as born into this world has a predisposition to developing a psychotic disorder. So there is genetics , epigenetics and enviromental factors that occur in the womb. Also the exchage of gene combinations between gametes copying errors etc can be problamatic and never a sure thing. So alot happens the phenotype before birthday
The next life is an unrealistic prospect. Enjoy yourself where and when you can
Instead of talking bout karma and all this self punishment stuff, do something possitive for yourself. And focus less in making everyone else happy
Not being raised as an emotionally healthy child. Some people just shouldn’t be parents!
I haven’t heard of any mental illness in either side of my family either, though my dad’s side wouldn’t talk about that sort of thing to begin with.
I honestly don’t know why I experience what I do. I’d like to find out. My psychiatrist/therapist want me to go to a neurologist for testing. I’ve been this way since as long as I can remember, so if something set it off it would’ve had to be when I was a baby, which is unlikely.
My brain’s just weird.
In my case, I think I have had several causes; they have combined so the result has been my illness.
One of them was my genetic predisposition; then I had a trauma when I belonged to a 12 steps group, I could not overcome it . In the same way, I used to daydream a lot of time when I was a child for avoiding face the daily problems, I didn´t learn to face it, etc.