What can u do when u feel u can't swallow?

My panic attack causes me to feel i can not swallow. What can u do about this?

Oh, like all the time, meds cause dry mouth, no saliva is the reason.

I sometimes choke on pills.

Best to fast walk/run every day to encourage drinking of water.

you need to calm your self…
or distract the mind by plunging your hands in very cold water…
or take a walk in nature and look at the birds…
put on some joyful music and have a dance to it…
then have little sips of water…
don’t forget to breathe gently…
remember it is just anxiety…
everyone in the world at some time has suffered from this.
know someone cares :heart:
take care :alien:

Pretty much what I do when the shakes jump on me (and they really do at times):

Tend to panic more if I can’t swallow. So getting something to drink as the others said. Is usually my first priority.

when does this happen to you? at what times of the day? do you have any kind of stomach discomfort?

it happens usually in the afternoon/evening when highly anxious