What can I do to convince myself that I dont have a hidden camera implanted in me?

What can I do to realize this is a delusion? It is going on 3 years since I had this. What can I do?

How would you convince someone else who had the same delusion?


I think the best way is to keep hanging out with or chatting with people who agree it’s a delusion. The more you isolate the easier it is not to experience our shared reality.


I think @agent101g has a good point. I would add, though, that if you start getting too worked up about how immoral you think people are being, and you find yourself having violent thoughts,…or, if you start having suicidal thoughts…give yourself permission to take some you time or time with your kids.


Why not do some research on other schizophrenics, that have the camera implant delusion? Its quite a common one.

Hopefully when you read other peoples stories - you will realise your just the same.

I think most schizophrenics are quite narcissistic on the quiet too - because we think that we are that important that we would have such a thing done to us. Were not. We are just mentally ill.


I remember you making threads like this a while back. I had the same problem. Only thing that stopped that way of thinking was Abilify.

You can’t live like this, it’s not healthy.

Ask to try Abilify.

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