Ok I believe I have a hidden camera implanted in me as you all know. My problem with that is that I want my privacy. How have you guys coped with delusions like mine? I really believe this is real. I know that wireless cameras would have to have a built in transmitter so it might be too large to implant in my body, but I hear the tv talking about me and people in general talking about me. I don’t see how else they would see me unless there was a hidden camera implanted in me. How do you guys talk yourselves out of your delusions? I’m afraid to be around people because I’m afraid they are going to say evil things to me. I’m tired of being taunted. I really believe this is real and I just want people to tell me the truth if it’s true. The people around me says it’s nothing implanted in me yet I hear them talk about me. I just need to see how I can break this delusion if it’s not real. Can someone help me?
I get talked out of my delusions when someone kind tells me I’m delusional.
The problem is you refuse to believe reality. We’ve told you a hundred times your camera delusion is impossible but you keep seeking reinforcing ideas.
I’m living with that sensation. I know how real it feels.
Brain inflammation is causing it, by causing chronic anxiety which stimulates adrenaline production, which is getting oxidized into the psychedelic compound adrenochrome, and not clearing out fast enough, so you end up exhibiting the metaphysical schizophrenia symptoms like the feeling of being watched, and hearing / seeing hallucinations.
The only way “out” is reducing your brain inflammation to zero, via some combination of antipsychotics, supplementation, and anti-inflammatory diet, so you don’t form any more adrenochrome and stop having those metaphysical experiences. That effectively “shuts out” the annoying dimension causing you all that trouble.
Thanks you guys.
Now get on with your life.
You have to weigh the your evidence of a balance of probabilities. Ask yourself, do you ever recall anyone implanting a hidden camera inside you? If not, why do you insist on it? I know it is based on your “evidence” of TV and people talking about you. As people have mentioned, why would anyone want to implant a hidden camera inside of you to talk about you? You are not an important person in any respects, no offence. You are not an important political or corporate person, nor a celebrity. You are also not a criminal. Why would anyone ever keep taps on you. I presume, due to your parnaoia, you also stay inside the house all day. When would anyone ever get the chance to implant anything into you?
Despite your “evidence” of hearing people and TV talk about you, there has been no evidence of why people would want to do so. You also have no recollected memory of such an event happening. That is why there is no hidden camera inside you.
When I used to think I was on camera 24/7 it was a scary time, now I know that that never happened it is easier for me, I figure if someone has hidden a camera to watch me, it is them that has a problem not me, so I could care less now if someone is watching
The only thing that helped me was medicine. I couldn’t get out of any of the delusions myself…
It is a scary time for me.
All the time. Recently I’ve been having delusional thoughts everyone’s out to get me.
Sorry you are going through so much @anon55704218. Today I spent my day organizing my closet and trying on clothes that I already have. It took some of my free time away. Maybe do something to distract yourself like coloring and knitting. You can buy yarn and a hat loom and knitting tools on Amazon. It is really easy to do, look on youtube to show how to knit. Also I am making dinner-lemon pepper chicken and cucumber salad. Try to relax, take your prn if you have one. Tell me how things are going. I hope you feel better.
You can use the search function here to search for “camera” in the sub-forum unusual beliefs, and take note of varied explanations, which presumably cannot all be true.
One possible interpretation of feeling that the TV is talking about you, may connected to the way in which in normal people, or everyone, time is out of joint. There is a temporal trick going on.
There is quite a lot of research to show that our thoughts come later that we think they do.
E.g. The most famous experiments by neurologists find that we think we choose, e.g. to press a right or left hand button, thinking “I’ll press the right one” or “left,” but FMRI analysis of brain activity suggests that we have already made the decision, and only say “right” “left” up to 10 seconds later than the point when we have already unconsciously decided which button to press.
There is a lot of research on reasons for doing things being “post hoc” (after the event). When people are effected by outside stimuli, such as the placebo effect, they are not aware of it, and think that they have other reasons for their behavior. Concretely, for example if you give people a placebo sugar pill and tell them “this pill will make you feel jittery” (a lie), and then ask them to give themselves electric shocks, people taking the sugar pill will give themselves a higher voltage shock (probably because subconsciously, they can believe it is the pill and not the shocks that are causing them to feel jittery). But when you ask the subjects “why did you give yourself a higher shock”, they say things like, “Ah, that is because I used to make radios as a kid, and got used to getting shocks back then.” And they really believe the reasons that they are giving.
Or, in an experiment asking subjects how to tie two pieces of string hanging fro the ceiling together when they are a bit too far apart to reach with arms stretched, where the experiment gives a hint on how to solve the problem (bumping into a pieces of string setting it swaying) subjects are far more likely to solve the problem (set both pieces of string swinging and catch them when they are closest together), but subjects claim that their reason was not because they were given a hint, but some other reason, e.g. “I thought of monkeys swinging through the trees in the jungle.”
So, in general it is claimed, people come up with reasons after they have decided, or been influenced, but people think that they are coming up with their reasons before, and then deciding afterwards.
Then… what happens if you start to become aware of this back to front time trick, and start so see how your own thoughts are coming after their causes?
E.g. if you are taking part in the experiment I just described, and the experimenter bumped into the piece of string and set it swinging, you might get worried, “how did he know I was thinking about monkeys swinging!?”
Or if a normie watches a TV advert where people are enjoying a coffee and then goes to make a coffee, they might think (because they are not aware of the influence of the advert) “I feel thirsty, I will go and make a coffee.” But if you start to become aware of the time-reversal, then you might worried, thinking “How did those guys on TV know I wanted to make coffee? They must be watching me somehow!? (They have implanted a camera in my room/head etc.)”
Nisbett, R. E., & Wilson, T. D. (1977). Telling more than we can know: verbal reports on mental processes. Psychological review , 84 (3), 231.
Soon, C. S., Brass, M., Heinze, H. J., & Haynes, J. D. (2008). Unconscious determinants of free decisions in the human brain. Nature neuroscience , 11 (5), 543-545.
I can empathize with feeling like you have no privacy. For me, it’s dealing with voices that follow me wherever I go and know everything about me. I can’t take a crap without being made fun of. They attack me and bring up things that nobody else knows and use them to hurt me. I can’t do anything that might be made fun of, or they’ll seize on it and tear me to shreds.
I have to remind myself that these voices are only audible to me, and I still have my privacy. But it’s hard when the voice calls me names and makes fun of, for example, my past embarrassments. They’ll call me a loser because of things I went through in high school, they’ll call me a pervert if I ever engage in anything sexual, and they will comment negatively on everything I do, even when I’m alone. If I ever view anything with sexual situations they will mock me for not having had relations in a long time and make me feel like garbage.
It’s different than thinking you have a camera on you, but it still strips away any feeling of privacy. I hope you don’t have to deal with voices, they make the delusions so much worse.
Just remember, it’s possible for the delusions to go away if you give it time and continue to take your medication.
You got to believe that this is not true cuz who would take the time and money to do this
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