What brick and mortar stores would you be most dissapointed to see go out of business?

I’m a big fan of buying online. I think it’s a more efficient and effective way for consumers to maximize their dollar.

But I would be sad to see our local bicycle shop go out of business. I try to buy as much as I can there.

Do you have a favorite store to go to? What do they sell?

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Grocery stores and used book shops. I think that’s it.


I never buy clothes or food from online stores.


Just about any independent book or video store.

Here in the m/w we have a chain called Vintage Stock that’s a pretty fun store to visit.


For me, aside from grocery, it would be vape\tobacco shops. Our little one in town is hanging on by a thread. But I love ordering tobacco goods online as I can get exactly what I want so plenty of options. I buy locally too as she will let you open a box to look at a vape mod kit and stuff.

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I would be sad if our local artists store went out of business. It is a store that the art guilds co-run where they can all sell their art, and everything in there is made local.


What i can buy locally i do, but sometimes i need to get stuff from overseas or online like electronics, spare parts or books. I liked a bookshop here, but it closed.


Where the mental health clinic is there is a Independent Coffee House where I like to go as I always turn up early.

They have a Nero, Starbucks, McDonalds and a Costa within walking distance, but I like to support local business, and not massive multi-national brands that have tons of money


The local Walgreens closed and I stayed in bed for a week.


I buy my stuff including groceries online but I would hate to see Costco go.
Costco means a lot to my father especially.

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Grocery stores, drug stores, clothes stores like Old Navy, Banana Republic and Lands End. Also department stores like Walmart, Target, Lowes and Home Depot.

I’d hate for optical shops to close down. I depend on them.

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I’d also hate to see our local supermarket close down.
It’s smaller than most markets in our area and many seniors rely on it being opened.

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I have a Lucky supermarket about 5 minutes from my apartment. It has my pharmacy inside. It would be really inconvenient if they closed.

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Hmm? The Brick and Mortar store that sells bricks and mortar. We’d be in a right bloody mess if they closed.



I ordered some earthenware for Mrs. Squirrel from a local potter through her Instagram page. Will be getting it this week.


I liked that old Hastings format. They sold books, movies, and music. They were just made obsolete by technology.

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Well, I think Sears is gone now, and the last I heard JC Penney filed for bankruptcy. I used to do a lot of shopping at Montgomery Ward’s.


Many small businesses, including those featuring local artists and crafters, have started selling online due to COVID. I hope they continue to offer online shopping even once the pandemic has ended.

I have purchased hand crafted items from small businesses around the country and even some small businesses located overseas. None of these small businesses rely on storefronts on Etsy or EBay, rather they’ve set up their own internet storefronts. They will sometimes put a handwritten note in the package thanking me for purchasing from a small family-owned business.


Pretty much the only brick and mortar stores I’ve gone to in the past 9 months since the pandemic are the grocery store, drug store, and pet store. I don’t even go to Costco anymore and just order online from them.



The owner sacrificed himself on the Titantic to save women and children. In an act of pure love his wife refused to get on without him.