What multi-vitamin do you take? Or if you don’t take a multi is there a brand of vitamins that you’ve found that is superior and why do you think it’s superior?
I take B vitamin and D vitamins.
I find D helps keep my depression and joint pain under control, and I’ve heard B is good for joints and memory
is there a particular brand?
Honesly no, just whatever’s the cheapest I suppose. I do insist on buying them at the pharmacy
I just take equate brand multivitamins. Not every day though. Oh, and turmeric a little for my skin disorder.
I also take Equate Multi for female over 50
does the turmeric help?
I take Daily Essential Nutrients by Hardy Nutritionals. It’s kind of pricey but totally worth it.
It contains the organic, plant form of the vitamins and minerals rather than the inorganic, rock form that pretty much every other multivitamin uses. Upside is that the plant form vitamins are way more bioavailable and your body uses them much more readily, which facilitates the kind of healing that a person hasn’t experienced before. The downside is that the plant form vitamins take up more room, so you have to take like 12 capsules a day versus 1 capsule of the rock form.
My symptoms and head pressure have plummeted in the 31 days since I’ve started taking it. Every day I just feel significantly better and better. My head pressure is starting to even out and I’m feeling more grounded and relaxed now, rather than on tilt anxious all the time.
but it’s very expensive, what did you use before hardys
I used Opti-Men multivitamins before but my health plateaued. D.E.N. helped me push past the plateau.
Not really, I need to quit smoking. That would help.
I just use the generic vitamins. I don’t take a multi vitamin. Twice a year all my bloodwork for vitamins and minerals gets taken and I only take what I’m short on. The pharmacy puts it in my blister pack so I don’t have to think about what to take.
sometimes drinking more water can help with skin problems, I know I should
I take Kirkland brand of Mature Multi vitamins.
Kirkland is Costco brand.
Kirkland products are top notch quality.
it is pointless to take vitamin supplements if you dont have defficiency. most of them will be flushed down the toilet or not absorbed into cells. If you really want to waste your money just pick up cheapest mult-vitamin option and that is it. Super high doses wont make a difference and those pills are all the same. Only balanced diet and intake of variety of foods can really supplement your body with vitamins.
I take Centrum Silver for 50 Plus.
it’s funny you say that because when I had vitamin d deficiency it took forever to correct. They kept giving me 50000 iu of vit d every week for months and months it took over a year to finally correct the deficiency. I don’t know if that’s normal or bad vitamins.
Do you know why your deficiency was caused by?
I use Jarrow brand for most of my specific supplements, but my multi I just buy whatever is on sale.
Oh, I don’t know, they didn’t say. but I know it was 2.2 but I don’t remember how high it was supposed to be now I think it was supposed to be much much higher than that so that’s why they were giving me such high doses of vitamin d but my husband did some research and determined that that I was better off with vitamin d3 in smaller doses and so we opted to go with d3 5000 daily for a few months and it corrected the deficiency. The 50000 ius just wasn’t working at all for whatever reason on me. it could be like you said. I get it tested now regularly to watch it and I take it if need be.