What books have you read in this year?

I have only read one, Sinuhe the Egyptian. I may start reading a new book soon.


I try to read every day. I’m currently reading Vonnegut’s Deadeye Dick.

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A couple of Stephen King Books, The Stand and the Tommy Knockers. Self help books on how to quit drinking, and memoirs on Schizophrenia among others. Diarys of a psychiatric orderly was the best one so far. I listen to them a couple of hours a night. All Audible Books from Amazon. I flit between a couple depending what mood im in.

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Probably quite a few, I just don’t remember the names off hand. I should read more.

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Shanghaied one was called, and I listened the SAA recovery book, and I read half a murakami novel. Reading has been slow this year.

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I always start on books but I don’t think I have read through one since my illness started.

I will get there one day.


I am ashamed of saying none. I cant really read books since sz. I did read books before sz but not much. Mostly were for school.


I have problem with reading but ok with audio books. Congrats on job. Are you keeping well?


Thankyou Star :relaxed:

Yea I’m keeping okay. Went to feed the pigeons in the park today with my friend.

How are you keeping??

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I’m ok. I found a art society close to where I live. They have classes 3 or 4 times a week. Membership is 40 pounds a year. Going to get involved with that.

Feeding pigeons sounds good.


That sounds great. Sounds like really promising. Not that expensive either,

Will help to give you something to look forward to.

When my confidence improves I will join an art meet up group too

Yea it was OK feeding them.

We were gonna feed squirrels actually but all we could see was pigeons.


I’ve been reading mostly bird books, music books, and a few religious books.


@ThePickinSkunk I used to be into birdwatching. I should make an effort to get back into it.

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It’s like the cheapest or the most expensive hobby one could have.

I bought a decent pair of Nikon nocs and never looked back. The focus wheel is effortless and they are reasonably bright.

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A lot. Well over 50. I don’t really keep count.


I have read a cat wisdom book.


Sadly none, I haven’t read many books since I got schizophrenia and was put on meds it became harder to focus and less enjoyable. There are so many books I want to read but I haven’t been able to bring myself around to reading them.

Before schizophrenia I read a lot. Fiction like fantasy (Knights and Wizards type stuff) and Star Trek: The Next Generation novels. I also read non-fiction science books by the original scientists to get a first hand account of their ideas, like Darwin’s Origin of Species, Einsteins Relativity, Watson and Cricks Double Helix, a couple of books by Stephen Hawking.

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Ive read about 2/3rds of The Hobbit


I start to read a book only to get involved in another which takes my attention from the first. Only book I read cover to cover was an old Russian book called THE WAY OF THE PILGRIM. I think it was a free book on Kindle or for 99¢. It’s about a disabled peasant who wanders from town to town in Russia reciting a prayer. It’s a famous book but since it’s more than a hundred years old there’s no copywrite and is free on the internet like all old books. You can find any old book for free on the internet or pay a small fee like I did on my kindle through Amazon.


Read a couple David Icke books, Who goes there (The thing), Sapiens, Surrounded by Idiots.

Soon 1984 by George Orwell, and I’m also reading a quantum physics book as well.

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