What are you reading?

I read a few schizophrenia books. Still have few I haven’t opened. Mainly memoirs or autobiographies of MI like schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder.

I’m proud of myself for moving past the conspiracy theories and books. I’ve been doing better/more positive things so far.

I lack motivation and energy. Mainly motivation, I guess.

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I’ve burned out from reading recently. I push myself too hard to finish a book quickly. I just don’t give a damn about anything these days. I ordered THE AENEID from thrift books and it will be here Monday. I also ordered THE ILLIAD which I never hear anything about unlike THE ODYSSEY which I already own.


I have the audio book !!!

Nm… It’s a different one !

Nm again… I do have it. Got them mixed up lol


I read that! Good book.

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Oooh, I read a book by the same author, more than a decade ago, I don’t remember its title :face_with_head_bandage: but I read it in English and it was enjoyable.

Edit: something about a famous battle between England and France during the 100 year war.

Edit2: Azincourt !


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