What are you like off meds

I get panicked and very paranoid


Yeah thatā€™s me too. Very panicky.


I get obsessive. I ruminate on single thoughts for days upon days.

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Iā€™m crazier than normal off my meds. On my meds Iā€™m still crazy.


This is me off meds. Not quite as much grey and I have better teeth but mostly accurate:


Sensitive, active and alive. I will be honest agreeing to take antipsychotics is probably one of the biggest mistakes I have made in my life.

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Iā€™m good for awhile then I start to get sad and then paranoid, then my mind goes berserk with all kinds of images. I then end back in the psych ward.


When I lower meds I get a honeymoon period with more energy. Then the voices become louder.

I only quit meds once and ended in the hospital 6 months later. I was able to work full-time in that period though.


Paranoid and delusional

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I become a depressed, paranoid, hostile, raging, suicidal, b-tch.

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Iā€™ll never know! If I forget my AP I wake up around 1am and automatically take it. I have missed a dose and not been sure if I took it or not until I had symptoms. The symptoms were probably considered mild in comparison but I have a high level of discomfort and unease.
While I was in the hospital waiting for meds to become more effective I thought the world was throwing a parade that I was in the hospital and eventually going to be convicted of something I didnā€™t do or locked away forever in an institution.

Off meds? Paranoid and agitated. Im ashamed to say - im prone to get a bit verbally abusive as well.


I also become verbally abusive. Itā€™s sad but truth. as during those times it seems that everyone around me are out to get me.

And I become very very confused one. Because it seems reality starts to mix up with my delusions.
And untill I get totally psychotic I live in two dimensionsā€¦


I hear you. Thats me all over as well.


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