I have been cleaning the insides of my kitchen cupboards as I literally have nothing else to do and it’s 5:15am here.
What are you up to or plan to do?
I have been cleaning the insides of my kitchen cupboards as I literally have nothing else to do and it’s 5:15am here.
What are you up to or plan to do?
Well, I’m considered an essential employee, so I’m at work. It’s been busy tonight, despite the stay-at-home order. I hate having it busy, prefer it slow.
I just got home from the grocery store. Figured right before they closed was the best time to avoid crowds. I was right. Almost no one there. Got lucky and still got most of what I needed. Spent almost $140, though. Definitely got a few things I could have done without.
In England I can still work, as I am unable to do so from home.
There seems to be a lot of people out.
I hope you stay safe in your travels
I am glad to hear it went well.
I tried to do shopping yesterday but the queues were massive so I went to three different convenience stores to get what I needed.
my and the old lady are set up waiting on my son to drop off some dishies I loaned him, other then that its 1 am here. think about cooking rib’s tomorrow . the new in home order go’s in affect Monday.
Yeah, the crowds are bad sometimes. I went last weekend and they were regulating how many people were allowed in at once. They would count how many people were leaving, then when they got 25 out, they’d let 25 in. There were only about 100 customers in there at a time. And it’s a really big grocery store.
I am pleased that most people seem to be towing the line now as no one seemed to be bothered by the virus when it first came here at least.
I am still allowed to visit my parents because they look after my medication, and because of my mental health issues, my care manager told them we could see each other if we social distanced.
I would have been alone with no outside space if this wasn’t allowed to happen
Yeah, I can’t imagine how lonely it would be to live alone during a lockdown like this. I’ve been getting super lonely and I live with my partner and daughter. I’m a really social person, though, so not being able to see my friends has really gotten me down.
I don’t think anyone has ever known anything like this.
The whole situation is really like a real life horror.
So many people are dying
Our Prime Minister Boris Johnson has even caught it
It really is like a horror movie. My sister has it. Suspected, at least. They won’t test her because we don’t have enough tests. Which is ■■■■■■■■. So many more people have it than we even know about because the numbers being reported are only confirmed tests and there are millions with suspected cases that are being refused testing.
I’m just seeing what everyone is up to online.
I just got through watching a couple films. Well the second one I couldn’t finish because it was so terrible.
It was some type of hippie drive in movie (Which I tend to really enjoy) but it was terrible. I watched half of it and turned it off.
Finished a book this morning. Have a few that I bought at a sale from the library. Glad I have a few I haven’t read since the library is closed. Not too big of an issue because I can always get books on my phone. But the screen is small, so that’s a negative.
I’m waiting for my roommate to get back from the pharmacy with some Tramadol so I can tolerate being awake again
I feel really tired. Haven’t slept much.
I went for a walk, new route which is a lovely route cos its not one where I backtrack
I did some cleaning.
Thinking of going to sleep after browsing here it’s 16.10
Just watching ‘American Greed’ on TV, starting my day with tea n such …
Lying on the couch with my cat on top of me.
Vaping in my bed, listening to Spotify and reading forums. Just had breakfast, our fridge was empty. My mother brought 700$ of groceries from costco as 60+y.o. can’t go out at all so my father is always home. I didn’t know groceries were so expensive to feed a family of 4 mens and a woomen.
I just woke up. I sleep way to much
Just ate a boil egg. Thinking about running to the con store, though I shouldn’t.