Good morning. What are you doing today?

I’m luxuriating in the fact that I have nothing to do today. Total nothingness. Bliss for one day. Ahhh! What are you doing today?


Today will be the same as yesterday : Obsessing over coronavirus ! :smile:


im in a similar situation. well I have a couple things to do, like clean my kitchen and living room. and then I will walk on the treadmill for an hour. mom has invited me over for dinner tonight, so will do that.

other than that, it’s pretty much lounge around, maybe with the radio on.

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I’m finally starting to feel a little better about the Coronavirus. I think it’s a lot like the flu and I would survive it. But it still scares me a little.

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Enjoy it your day man!

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Enjoy your luxury day! I’m happy you’ve got one.

Today I’m home with my mother, she’s still fighting off a bug so I’m nursing her the best I can.

No real chores, no appointments. Just on hand to help. May get lucky and get some video game time in.

Wishing you well leaf!

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I hope your mother feels better soon. And I hope you get some games in tee hee.

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A friend just invited me out for a walk. I don’t know if I’ll go. I may because I always say no to this stuff.
Today I did a couple of house things and I am eating an unhealthy snack. I may do a load of laundry. If I go for a walk I will do the hot tub meditation and a 30 second shower to get a reward. My son is currently tidying the house today but I may do a little.
I had a busy day yesterday and now my head space is crap.

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I hope your headspace is better now.

Thanks @Leaf
I think anything and everything feels like way too much for me right now. I haven’t been getting enough alone and empty time too so that doesn’t help. I went for a walk with a friend today and that felt like a lot. Maybe I’ll get lots of space tomorrow and less forcing.

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How are you doing this evening?

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Good, getting ready to eat. Hopefully you’ll get some space tomorrow. I love my down time, especially in the morning.

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I just ordered Chinese food

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That’s what we just had for dinner! So good. Tonight General Tao was my favorite. @Mountainman


I ordered chicken fried rice and sweet and sour chicken and shrimp


Been chilling at the graveyard listening to rap. I like it here, no one ever bothers me.

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Chinese was not very good, kinda bland and had to microwave it to heat it up

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oh that sucks, I’m sorry

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I worked and had a great dinner at my sisters house and watched this hilarious comedian making a fool out of Trump. But Trump never needs any help making a fool out of himself. He does it fine on his own.


Spent the day drinking coffee, smoking, and listening to music! Now spending my night smoking, drinking whiskey and listening to music!

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