What are ur delusions?

What are ur delusions? I thought I was something in the world.

Just your typical sz delusions. Thought the media(tv, internet etc) was talking about me in a negative light. I’m not that important it seems

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But before did u have some? That’s good abilify is working for you. I didn’t go well with abilify

whoops, I deleted my previous comment and replaced it with my response to your question

Same here. I feel like there are cameras in my house nd everyone knows me. I thought the illuminati has some mind control tech

Ohh cool. I read ur other reply

Combination of truman show and matrix

I feel u with the Truman show… And matrix. There was a time I thought everyone was a simulation or something

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Cameras everywhere

Same here I think I’m under surveillance. Somehow people know what I do and say. Maybe I néed to up the dose. Lol

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Don’t your meds work?

It’s working well. Only my ex kept telling me to up the dose whenever I talk about my delusions.

They all center around the government giving me schizophrenia and manipulating things around me to trigger my symptoms. I am very aware of my environment and when things feel like they are being manipulated it makes me cringe and amplifies my paranoia. I often think other people are acting also and playing by a script to make me suffer.

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If your med works, why do you still have delusions?

I feel you. Like everyone is on it. Thanks for sharing ur experience. It’s nice having someone to relate to what others dismiss as nothing.

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Good point. Hahahaha. Some say It’s my gut feeling some say they’re delusions. I guess I need to change meds. What meds are u on?

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I take 4 APs:
haldol shot, clozapine, chlorpromazine and nozinan

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I thought that my computer and phone had been hacked. I thought I was being monitored.

When I was full blown psychotic I thought that I could speak with God and angels.

I also thought that a demon was living inside me.


Oh cool. Do they make u tired and numb?

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I thought they were demons too at some point. I even went to an exorcizt priest. But u got over ur delusions?