I think I’m developing the Truman delusion thing I’ve always heard about but I can’t tell if it’s real or if anything is real anymore.
I heard of it, but don’t think I ever had it. I had the delusion I lived in a matrix, which I read is similar.
Hope you feel better soon.
I also have the matrix one but I’m so used to it. I can’t tell if that one is real, like ever.
It’s a lot to sit with. Feeling like this isn’t real, that I’m maybe dead or never existed to begin with, if it is real maybe I’m on some twisted show but I don’t feel like the main character,maybe I’m a robot?, demons controlling my mind
That sounds like schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder.
I’m diagnosed with sza bipolar
Never a good sign when you say something so wild someone says it sounds like schizophrenia, lol
I feel like this has been happening to me since April 2013. Nothing has been able to stop it. I’ve been on lots of different meds and I still suffer from it every day. I don’t know what to do about it.
Idk if we are going through the same thing but the last few days ive been feeling like nothing is really “real”. Like not from just a place of psychosis but from a deeper place. For what its worth that feeling of realness might just be in are minds ? I know you studied Philosophy so maybe that can help with the feeling?
Have you told your doctor this seems like it’s bad and Is only gonna get worse if not treated
I messaged her this morning
Things are starting to integrate and I’m really trying my best to not think too much about it. But it feels like I’m stuck in some alternate reality where my life is being broadcasted to another, more real dimension, which gives me some relief in that I think I might be real, but even typing this I feel paranoid that I should be admitting to have figured it out. I guess I have insight and I’m scared
My Dr is goin creasing my latuda
Latuda didn’t work for me at all. I was on a high dose and they even added Risperdal to it a long time ago. I liked Vraylar for a while, but went on Zyprexa (well, Lybalvi) recently. It’s working better for me.
I had delusions that I’ve actually lived in parallel universes according to many world’s theory of quantum mechanics. I believed my experiences and thoughts. I then felt like I was in an infinite time loop and that it felt more like eternal recurrence or eternal return where everything is the same. I thought I was ‘quantum hopping’ and experiencing reincarnation via quantum immortality and had past life memories that were traumatic.
I believed in aliens, but don’t know if they actually exist, and that they are actually just demons.
It felt like I reincarnated spontaneously to the year 2011, which is the year I got sick. Sort of like a Boltzmann Brain or Brain in a Vat. It felt like my memories, consciousness were being transferred to a new universe.
I think a lot of it is schizophrenia and that these memories are not real despite feeling real. I thought I was ‘psychic’ and thought aliens, energy drinks, and ‘experiments’ made me remember my past lives like I was an anomaly.
I feel like I reincarnated trillions of times so far. I wonder if it’s my imagination and distorted memories.
I even had delusions I had a microchip in my brain and that I was a clone or had clones.
This sounds a lot like what I’m going through . Latuda works great for me, I don’t doubt I’d be losing my absolute mind right now if I wasn’t on it. It feels really weird feeling like there’s a constant audience of some unknown source that I’m worried are demonic as well
I want advice on how to figure this out or what I should be doing. I heard a very nice lady tell me to wake up, like she’s been calling me from beyond a veil or sorts.
Am I losing insight or gaining it? I can’t tell genuinely I don’t know if I should be freaked out for this or that. The problem or do I genuinely have schizoaffective ?
I don’t think most things are real. I have a feeling at least that some people and animals are real, like we’re all in some type of metaverse beaming from some.. unknown source I guess. Could be an experiment. Can’t be sure
Well, you know you have schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder. You have insight. Those things aren’t real although they feel real.
I stopped fearing my thoughts because they are not real. They’re unprovable and it doesn’t really matter. Also, there is no evidence.
One reason I stopped believing in simulation theory was because it’s pretty much impossible. We don’t have the technology. I also believed in parallel universes for a while and pretty much stopped believing in that too.
With schizophrenia, thoughts, memories, and experiences can be wrong.
I don’t hear voices, but I have intrusive repetitive thoughts. Some people might think I hear voices, but I deny it. I don’t hear sounds or noises if rarely at all.
I started hallucinating while sleeping (nightmares) and they said there’s no medication for dreams. It might be something else besides schizophrenia. Maybe I had schizophrenic dreams.
Maybe you can do some meditation called mindfulness to focus on the present. It helped me in the past in therapy.
Maybe distract yourself or make an early appointment with a doctor if you think you need it.
I don’t know if I know anything that’s true that’s what I’m saying. I can recall being diagnosed with schizoaffective but it feels meaningless if nothing is real to begin with.