Were you wild when you were younger?

Hey guys, as above, i was very wild in my teens all through till my 20s, was heavily in to the goth scene, slept with loads of girls ect, I am 46 next week and these days i am calm and relaxed, also positive symptoms, nearly all gone, just left with some negative symptoms remaini and also depression at times, happy enough these days, thoughts?

I was out of control in my 20s… :joy:

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Yup, bad family life and I went down all the wrong roads


I Was Never “wild”.

A Calm Storm Waiting To Expose The Lies.


DJ Nosferatu Beat Beam (sleepoptimistic)
:dog: :chipmunk: :dog:

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I switched back and forth between partying and carrying a Bible while quoting scriptures and going to every possible church function and praying.

I would feel stifled by all the fundamentalist rules of my religion and would go party to be free. Then I’d feel guilty and go back to church, confessing and repenting

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I wasnt wild up until my sz symptoms started a few years before my diagnosis. I was an A student and very calm and polite. After I got sz symptoms I tried bad things to cope with my symptoms, my grades went down, I started smoking weed and drinking, nightclubbing too much, driving at 200kmh and having accidents, 2 suicides attempts, thinking I am Jesus etc

Now on meds I am better than when I was wild but not as good as before my sz symptoms started and before I was wild.

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I also quit work.

11 to 18 were the worst years of my life

Drugs, forced sex, fighting, abusive home life, bullied at school and taken advantage of by people I thought were my friends.

It was hell.

Life as an adult is so much better.

I wish one of my parents quit work and home schooled me, as that was the biggest problem I have ever had in my life is mandatory education.

In the end things got so bad, that the last 2 years of school I used to register and then disappear


I experimented with LSD in my teens.

I went through a wild phase, mostly in my teens and early 20s. I partied, drank way too much and dabbled with drugs (although mostly just weed). I was really belligerent like i was looking for a fight all the time and i guess i had a bad attitude in general. In 12th grade i flipped my mom’s car and totaled it. I also attempted suicide and established myself as a crazy person. Life after high school was also crazy. I wasn’t medicated back then.


yeah i was pretty wild, went on cross country hiking trips, hitch hiked, travelled the country, lived out of my car, slept on the street. would have been wilder but money or having to work prevented me from completely being free, so i also spent a lot of years working.

i also used to drink alot and smoke pot when i was younger.

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I did a lot of LSD, meth, drinking, some cocaine and shrooms and pills. I would go around to parks and beaches, graveyards, even weddings and party. Always had some guy on the line if not 2 or 3, was never alone. Had different groups of friends to go party with all the time. I did some crazy crap when I was young and dumb.

I did some stupid things in my past.
But I wasn’t wild in terms of drinking and drugin.

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Gothic is my favourite style for home and clothing etc

I’m 42 soon 43 and I was wild when I was younger.

Bad things happened to me too.

It’s true I was easy when I was drunk so I couldn’t walk but nowadays that’s considered rape but even if it was t I’ve been raped more times than I can remember.
I remember screaming no sometimes and trying to push them of and the feeling when you just can’t and I have felt when you feel hopeless and just lay there hurting.

Last sex I had was ecstatic and best I ever had but I have had some shockers too.

I would end up somewhere not knowing where I was or how to get home etc

I was a bad stripper .
I did party drugs, smoked n was a binge drinker.

I was mild in action, but wild at heart.

I did get wasted on alcohol a lot though. Looking back I wish it wasn’t so. But I guess that’s the curse of youth. You don’t know any better.

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From the age of 19 to 24 did alot of weed and alcohol also tried other drugs went out clubbing had partys only ever slept with a few girls though sleeping around wasnt really my thing got bought up christian but went down the wrong path used to drive my gto back then at 290kmph down my street a 50km zone no way would I do that now im now 34 turning 35 schiz has taken the last 10 years of my life.

I wouldn’t describe myself as wild but I did some wild things. One thing that comes to mind is me and a friend dropping some acid and driving 60 miles to Monterey Bay at night in my old '64 Ford Station Wagon. Stayed about ten minutes then drove back.

On the way home I was driving through a hilly neighborhood with no streetlights so it was pitch black. There was only one other car for a few miles and I thought it would be hilarious to tailgate them with my high beams on. Me and my friend were cracking up and I kept going on his tail. All of a sudden the car stopped in front of me and four guys poured out and started walking towards us. I should have been in the Guinness Book of World Records for going fastest in reverse up a hill in the pitch black night.

Alcohol directed my life almost from the beginning. I also smoked a pretty fair amount of weed, but I rarely bought any because I didn’t enjoy the high. But it seemed like every time I turned around someone was handing me a joint. I did a few harder drugs too. I dabbled with them - experimented. I did a little speed. I took a few pain pills. But all that stuff was illegal and expensive. Alcohol was so cheap, and it made me feel so good.

From 15 to 24 my life was pretty out of control. I was a very wild child. Thankful I came out unscathed. Many times I should have died!

I did alot of drugs partied and went crazy travelled alot also I had really good grades was probably gifted I was living fast now Im just a wreck sitting in my chair all day…