It was -16 degrees C, but the bicycle paths were good, it took 1.5 hours to ride the distance that normally in the summer takes only 40-50 minutes, I have good winter clothing and felt very warm when I came back from my bicycle riding.
Well done matey. I’m riding like 10km’s a week in one session but it’s so bloody hot. I try and jog early and ride late but although I’d love to do it more there’s too much wind or it’s too hot! I need a decent road bike and awaiting on a friend to change some tires on an old one I have in the garage.
Well done you on getting out there is such conditions!
I have read that now in Australia it is very HOT while many US states are suffering from the very cold temperatures, -16 degrees C is quite normal here at this time.
Other people were also out in this morning, it was good to socialize with them. Many people are still inside. I just do not want to stay inside when the bicycle paths are good.
Good for you. My step-father gave me a mountain bike when I was in my 20’s and at the time had nothing to do after flunking out of school, failing at two jobs, being diagnosed with schizophrenia, and being put on SSI. I enjoyed using it because it gave me a sense of freedom, and adventure, and I rode it for several years until it rusted up. I rode progressively further on it until I started working a volunteer job and then I slowly rode shorter distances. The replacement bike my Mother gave me (admittedly it was a nice bike though) didn’t support my weight that had ballooned with my new sit down job and that was it. I miss that bike.
I think it is good for my mind to ride my bicycle even when it is this cold. Yesterday I felt tired of this winter, I felt depressed, but after sleeping well I had different thoughts in this morning. I went to the grocery store already after 7 am when it was still dark and after that I decided to ride my bicycle. It is also good exercising.
I got my bicycle two years ago, I like it although it is a bicycle for females. Normally in the summer time I may ride 30 kilometers on Saturdays, it is also a good way to see people in my normally lonely existence. I went to our library and checked the book recycling place for free books, did not find any books that would have been interesting. I am looking forward to spring and summer.
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