But I’m back!! I mentioned when I first came that my marriage is strained right now. That’s gotten worse and I don’t know how it’s going to turn out so I had to take a little time and focus on my stress level. For me that means less online time.
I’m ok. I hope everyone has been doing well. I missed this site more than Facebook.
I have been trying to learn that life goes where it goes and it’s ok even if it wasn’t my plan. I haven’t totally accepted that idea yet but I’m trying.
If you think there’s a chance you can stay together, don’t accept splitting up. But once you know you can’t be together anymore acceptance is a good thing.
I don’t want to split. He just won’t learn more about my mental illness and then my actions frustrate him. I wasnt sick when we got together. It’s hard to work through.
Welcome back! My father who I live with couches the whole topic of Sz as like it’s akin to his high blood pressure i.e.’ something you take a pill for’.
He doesn’t get that it’s one of the top ten most debilitating disorders in the world.
I, too, have a strained marriage. This last “psychotic break” really took a toll and scared everyone. It shook them all. They are convinced i must stay on medications. Because of my spirituality, i am having a hard time agreeing that it is medication that i need. Yes, it helps with moodiness (from being stuck in my head, trying to make the right decisions while sometimes being tormented by voices who guilt trip me or shame me with the consequences of wrong decisions). It provides relief there. But i do not believe it is the answer. The answer is much deeper within myself. My husband does not understand this. He claims he will not divorce me. But if i stop complying, if i continue down the rabbit hole myself, for purposes of self realization and saving the world, what would you choose? If i choose to comply with these higher entities in my head, pass all these tests, what will happen? Will i lose everyone i love, will they stop loving me? Will i be alone?
I feel that Critical Thinking and questions are very important
I placed restraints/rules on myself before I proceeded further…
Not everyone is out to get me so I should mind myself to make sure I don’t accidentally lash out at the innocent
Always leave myself 10% wrong no matter how convicted because if I feel I know everything I will stop learning.
Best to quit reacting on every new theory which I am introduced too. I don’t want to have to apologize to my elderly next door neighbor for hitting her with a frying pan after suspecting she was a Purple People Eater in disguise.
Understand that → Yes, there are stranger sciences at play but ‘strange’ doesn’t necessarily mean ‘malevolent.’