Well my job fell apart

I was supposed to start a job as a dock unloader on AUG 3. I got a call from the personnel manager who said that while my background/drug tests came back fine, they do not have the hours necessary to offer me anything at this point. So from here going forward, I am in purgatory, and I’m waiting for someone to quit or something before I can get in. Dealing with these personnel people is like dealing with venomous snakes (poor snakes). She said she would call me right away, but I’m not holding out. I’m a little upset, but I did some deep breathing (and subsequently hit my inhaler), and I’m trying to forget about it. Any thoughts, folks?


on the positive you have been accepted…it is just a waiting game.
but i can understand your frustration.
i went for finance jobs when i was younger and they basically laughed at me… :smiley:
take care :alien:

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Permission to speak?

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Granted (20 20 20)

Sincerest condolences. Few things in life are as soul crushing (not to mention emasculating for males) as losing a job. Feel free to ping me offline if you need help with resume and cover letter tweaking. :frowning:


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Ping sent…awaiting server response…

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Yeah, yeah, yeah. Keep it up and I’ll marry you.



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I know the pings always do it for me too. Or do I mean Rings? :heart_eyes:

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I just facepalmed so hard I darn near knocked myself out.



I’m gonna have to call my lawyer. I might be too hot for you. It sounds like I’m a damn fire hazard! :smiley:

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I would just sit tight. This reminds me of when I email a professor about something big waiting for the response or when I applied to college and waited for acceptance letters and scholarship offers. It sucks but it may pay off.

And yo @anon40540444 I’ll give you a call tomorrow, I have got some great news that would reveal my identity if I posted it on here.

Don’t stress over the job, they will get back to you when they get back to you, that’s my philosophy about having to sit tight. Don’t sit tight! Relax! Sit loose! Recline in your chair!


Well, look at it as good practice for the next time you apply for a job. Turnover is unpredictable at stores like Walmart, Target, or at Sears where I worked for four years etc… A lot of young people work there who quit to go to school or find other jobs. Geeez, at Sears we had a period where we couldn’t find anyone to fill a position as a truck unloader for a few months. We tried 5 or 6 guys in the period of a few months and none of them worked out. So don’t give up hope, a job at Walmart could open up in a month or two or a job could open up tomorrow. That’s how it works as you probably well know. You say you want to forget about it which might be a good plan. It’s good not to put all your hopes on a job opening there. But isn’t it nice to know that its still a possibility however remote the chances are?

Regardless of what “they” say or do, my head takes off on me when I have requirements that lead me to have expectations about what “they” should, ought, must or has to be. It drives “me” bats… IF I forget to realize that it’s just the disease talking.

They will do whatever they wind up doing. I just get to keep moving in the direction I need to move in.

Please don’t think I’m claiming to have figured this out all by myself. I had to learn it from Albert Ellis and Stanley Block.

Aww, sorry Alien. I know you were really stoked about that. But hang in there, like Nick said, there is always a turnover, so hopefully there will be an opening soon. :pray: