Welcome To Earth

O wonderful Earth,
A day has not gone by, Thinking about you,
Who provides endlessly.
You live as a large organism,
Your hearth is so warm,
And your blood, streams all around,
You breath through trees,
You blink at day and night,
All I know you are cool, in both ends,
Just spinning, so we could enjoy the ride,
We made you get fever, as temperature raises,
You make it fine by your immune white blood systems,
O wonderful Earth.


Just wanted to know.

  • Don’t understand
  • Unusual beliefs
  • Triggers
  • I don’t read because all the above.

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Nice poem!

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Thanks @TheCanuk I was thinking no one understood, and started to doubt self.

Interesting poem.


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I think is a Nice poem, a kind of lament to our beautiful earth. I don’t really understand how it should be triggering anything?

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The poem was formed out of my delusions.
If it made sense then I dont have to worry.
For a day, I was thinking something is wrong with my understanding that is also effecting others.
So I had stopped writting poems.
Dreams of fire was one of my best.
Still I feel it could be triggering.

Thanks @Green I feel good.

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You’re really good at writing poems! I just read some of your other poetry, and you can even make the rhyme
And I think that it does make sense

Thanks, I just started writting when I found the creative option in drop down, I never knew I could write poems. Acutally I found hard to learn poems in school.

I know it can be difficult to write poems. I used to write short stories instead.

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Actually writing a poem is fairly ok, once you know this.
I write down what I need to say,
then cut it out in smaller sentences,
Then think of rhyming words or use rhymes dictionary.
After that I fall in a rythm and its scary some times.

You used to write short shories, that interesting. Have you shared it here?


I do the same Thing when I’m writing
Start writing a lot and then take a few lines and give them a poetic expression.
I have shared two poems here ",And attempt to translate a poem " and "It feels so empty without you " Maybe you can find them, it wasn’t long ago.
I’m Not able to share my short stories because they are written in danish.

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"I’m colored by your words even when you’re silent.
There is so much I want to experience with you but I feel like I’m drowning.
It is now or never because we don’t know if This relationship will last for another week or just an hour. But I don’t give a ■■■■ wheather you’re the one and only or just some one. We are together and I’m in exstacy. The next moment I fall into pieces”

(The first poem I wrote)


“You say nothing
But I imagine everything from it
People, places, stories an entire world
Just so I will not feel the emptiness
That surrounds me”

(The second poem)


They are really good and portrays how amazing, words are used to describe.

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Good ones fifteen

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Thank you @Yellowdiamond it is my first attempt to write poems in english. It is about a lost love.

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