A positive poem: The World

I laugh and I smile
for the world isn’t that vile
all you have to do is look,
yes there are nooks
nooks of bad
but they aren’t everywhere
so don’t let them make you sad.

@anon84763962 I actually finished it a while ago I just haven’t had time to transfer it from paper to here. Oh and I have an idea. So for every negative poem I make the next one I make has to be a positive one.
Oh and if anybody says that the whole world is vile I have arguments ready for you. I’m trying to be optimistic and I can come up with some pretty optimistic points to counter your pessimistic ones.


This is a good poem. There is definitely good and bad to the world. Hopefully the good outweighs the bad.


Thank you and I believe that there is more good then bad. If there were more bad then good then all of the countries would all be run by criminals and drug lords. They aren’t all run by bad people and there are many good people outside of the government. Anyways good is stronger than bad just like light is stronger than darkness.

I love it! And good plan for future poetry!

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