We talked about self esteem today in group therapy

I have pretty bad self esteem based on the class. How is yours?


Some days are better than others


Yeah. I’m ashamed of who I am

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Well I doubt myself, and I am insecure, and I don’t believe in my self.


I’m sorry, @Jake. I completely understand.

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Why are you ashamed?

I’m sorry

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Thanks @LilyoftheValley…15151515

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I need my husband to care for me. I don’t like my face or body. I’m embarrassed about my paranoia issues. It makes me feel ashamed to need so much help


Have you talked to your husband about your insecurities?

My husbands told me he doesn’t care that I’m dependent on him cause he knows how hard it is for me to hold a job down

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I have pretty good self esteem.

It took a while to rebuild my self respect after my last set of hospitalisations though (7 years ago)

My self-esteem is maybe a 6 on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest. I guess the therapy is working. I don’t feel as bad about myself as I used to. Also my friend Kerry always says nice things about me.

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I haven’t. I’m too nervous to ask

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I’m happy for you @anon54988740

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I’ve gained COVID weight and am pretty embarrassed and uncomfortable about that.

But the weight aside,

I have excellent self esteem.

I think it comes from a good childhood and positive affirmations.


Im sorry to hear @LilyoftheValley . what did the therapist recommend for a low self esteem, if you don’t mind me asking?



Idk, I’d talk to my husband about it but that’s just me. I understand if you don’t want to tho

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I am a little proud of myself for all I have gone through. I have made something of my life, a life of purposeful sacrifice. Also, I have some hope.
I am sorry that some of you are not feeling so good about yourselves.

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My self-esteem has never been great. But it’s better than it was a few years ago. I feel like I need to maintain some self-esteem in order to deal with the voices on a daily basis.

A big hit for me is not being able to work.

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Changing self talk. Like instead of saying I’m not good at any jobs, say I can be good at different jobs, I just need to keep looking. Stuff like that


That’s great @GoldenRex

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