They’re taking a nap now. They’ve explored everything and we played with them for hours, so they were pretty tired.
Adorable. I do like cats. But unfortunately he’s allergic. We will get a dog though.
Thats a funny looking rabbit ?
That’s offensive.
Relax, you doing fine !
P.s they are damn cute.
Wish i could get a cat!!!
How cute! Precious little things.
awwwwww so cute and look at those little white paws on that one, I wanna scoop em up and eat em.
KITTENS!!! Ohmygod this is the BEST news!!! They are amazing!!
They’re gorgeous! Were they rescued?
Yes! Thank you! They are the best!
No, the only rescue cats here are outdoor cats and they won’t adopt them to indoor homes.
Did you name them?
Absolutely! The one with a white chest and white socks is Merlin, and the one without any white areas is Arthur!
I will love them forever.
I was just reading about the King Arthur legend last night! How cool.
Aww! They’re so cute! I’ve never been a fan of pets, but when Little LED is older we’re getting a cat and I’m secretly looking forward to it. Lol
Oh my goodness! I want them!!!
They’re precious! What kind are they most like? So sweet.
They’re a mix of Siberian and something mysterious and unknown!
I just got herpes, the world is a funny place.
Awww sweet kittens! Enjoy!