Another batch of kitties to replace the ones my neighbors keep eliminating.
The black kitty peeking at the babies is the same one I picked up out of the street 2 years ago, she’s just checking the babies out. These are NOT her kittens.
Found these three in my backyard shed yesterday.
omg…I’m a cat person! I have a darling calico who is soon to be 17 years old. We look after my sisters cat too and they won’t allow me to have anymore ( there is actually a law that we can only have two cats and they must be registered!). I’d adopt all those sweet little things! Cats are the coolest animal. We had to breed dogs to live with humans…Cats just said f this we are moving in! Thanks for the pics…make sure they get good homes or to the rescue shelter!
I’m at full capacity in my house, only supposed to have 3, but these were all strays no one wanted, and I couldn’t let them go to the pound to die.
I have 6 indoor only kitties, my “daughter” is 19 years old, my 4 that are all siblings are 8 years old, and the youngest is 2 years.
My neighbors hate me feeding any stray cats, but I want this to remain a happy thread, so I’ll deal with the neighbors later, in the mean time, the kitties are under MY protection until I personally find them a safe home.
You’re a really good person. Thank you for looking aftervthe kitties xx
I dislike your neighbors for eliminating the previous kittens, it literally cheers my day right up even seeing a cat on the street.
I think their cruel people. These kittens have done nothing to them. I’m the one that feeds them and provides an outdoor litterbox. I spend $24. on a huge bag of dry food every 3 weeks, several cans @ $1. each week, and then some form of lunchmeat/leftover dinner meat to supplement the dry.
The cats mostly stay in my backyard.
The mother of the other batch of kittens was hit by car 2 weeks ago, so I bought some special kitten replacement milk (powder) at $17. a can…I’m not complaining, I’d pay anything to help these babies, but it frustrates me when I’ve spent all this time, effort and money on a these animals, when the two neighbors on both sides of me keep killing them- and then telling me all about it.
I found my favorite grey kitten who was about 5 weeks old dead near my back porch, this makes the 3rd one I’ve found. Not sure if it had anything to do with this creep who says he likes cats, but he told me on the 3rd of this month that he took the brother of the 5 week old grey kitty to the pound, but they were closed due to the holiday, so instead of bringing him back, he drove out to the country and threw it out onto the road.
I really hate these kind of people.
I just adopted a nearly grown kitten. He’s a yellow tabby. I’m spoiling him so rotten that he’s probably going to turn into a fat cat. I think I’ll go let him in right now.
@crimby please share a photo
This is embarrassing. I don’t know how to post a photo on the internet. My cat is in my face right now, asking to be scratched.
Oh don’t be embarrassed it’s okay!! There’s more important things to attend to anyway such as giving your cat tickles !
I hope you find these kitties forever homes. You are awesome
I love them fried or baked, with a little garlic, oregano, and allpice.
Give a shelter a bell. They may take the kittens with a plan to relocate. Why not Petsmart…ask there too. I know it’s hard and you should be congratulated for helping them out. Your a champion person for just doing it but get onto someone and they may find a home…you are doing enough already! Kudos to you!
I will call petsmart when the babies are 6 weeks old, before this, they don’t even want to touch them. I don’t mind, I love little kitties.