We just got kittens!

How cute. I hope you have many years ahead of you guys with soft snuggles and 3 AM awakenings. I love seeing this stuff. Thanks for sharing.

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Adorable, I love kittens

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beautiful cats !! love this post, thank you.

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Aww how cute! :smile:

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Aww, precious babies. :heart: Love the names!

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Aww they’re gorgeous!

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Awe so happy for you. Cats really are the best pets in my opinion and kittens are so much fun! Enjoy!

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I think I should give you the talk

Listen @anon9798425, you are a parent now, that means you have to think of your children first, as infants they will completely depend on you. You’ll experience moments that are indescribable, feelings that you never could imagine. They will grow, become children, their curiosity and intelligence will amaze you and even at some points annoy you. Then they will become adolescents… they might be rebellious and act like they do not care about you at all at times, there will be these rare,short moments in which they will express their caring for you and all that you do for them. Finally, they will become adults… go on about their lives, forget to give you attention even forgetting you are in the same room yet, to see them become good and decent adults will give you a sense of satisfaction. All that and they will scratch the hell out of you throughout their life, leave you with scars, assume they are the boss, but… those moments where they notice you sitting their either busy doing something important or just feeling lonely, they will purr and make you feel loved.

There is something about cats that is just amazing when it comes to that. All that said, I hope you enjoy your kittens and that they live long lives. :slight_smile:


Awwww. They’re so sweet at that age! Thanks

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Sleeping cutely and peacefully on the couch :heart_eyes:


haha i just want to squeeze one !!! So cute !!


One’s already sleeping, belly up. Must have a safe environment. I want to pet them! Lol @anon39015889… I was thinking the same thing.


Yay! I was hoping we’d get more Merlin and Arthur pics. :heart_eyes:

That sofa is going to be covered in cat hair in no time. :smile:

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Yup! The kitties trust em. Always a good sign.


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