i dont believe i have true schizophrenia.i dont see ghosts or anything like that.i just a have very confused thinking.
What about delusions?
yes i have delusions.but so do relegious people.most people have delusions anyway.but for me and what im trying to say is im not reall schizophrenic like what you see in movies.
Religious people have no impairment from their beliefs, delusional ones do.
Real schizophrenics are not those that I see in movies but those I see in psych wards.
you sound like a nurse.
Thank you, I’m happy to hear that I sound high funcitoning.
so you are saying that i will always be dangerous to society.no i can recover.im not that sick i dont think about killing people.im just lonley and cofused.living in different countries in my childhood,that traumtised me.my culuture was always sacred of me because back then in the 90s they didnt have medications and they didnt understand mental ilness.
I don’t think you are dangerous and every schizophrenic can recover.
Why do you think I think you are dangerous?
god bless to you and peace to you.i know im sick im just trying decode and understand whats happening to me.im lonley
Did you try to meet new people?
hey at least i got video games and internet and my mum.i see my brother on the weekends.but hes different.i dont know anymore.anyway i appreciate you listning.thank you.
How long can you play videogames? Since a few months ago my anhedonia got worse and I can play 5-10 mins.
i cant do much of anything to be honest.i had the urge to you know relive my self last night,i woke up this morning with bad positives of schizophrenia.too much energy
video games masterbating walking all these things stess me out.
but i feel like doing the these things to releve my stress but i end up more sick.
Are you on disability? Are you able to buy groceries?
they took me off disability.i was fuctionting alright couple of years ago.infact iv been functioning damn well all my life with all the mental ilness that i had.but in 2007 i became absolutely sick and i was put on ap and giving disability.now im energetic happy one day and suicidal next day.
Did you consider going to outpatient/clubhouses, or volunteering to meet new people?
It may help you feel less lonely.
yeah i will try to do that.thanx for your help.
Can you do these? I can’t, I don’t feel like going outside my bed.